Jamie Kirkpatrick


Géologie structurale
Mécanique des failles
Failles et écoulement des fluides

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

james.kirkpatrick [at] mcgill.ca (james[dot]kirkpatrick[at]mcgill[dot]ca)

The hundreds of earthquakes that are felt around the world every week are a constant reminder that the Earth is a dynamic place. Appreciating and forecasting the hazard from earthquakes requires an understanding of the stresses that drive faults to fail and what happens to the rocks cut by a fault during slip. These aspects of fault mechanics can't be addressed directly through seismology. My research uses field observations of faults to investigate the earthquake source directly. What can we learn from the rocks themselves? The goal is to use high-resolution digital field data (ground-based LiDAR, differential GPS, structure-from-motion photogrammetry) combined with microstructural work (SEM, TEM, EBSD and microprobe) and statistical and numerical models to show how fault geometry, composition and fluid transport properties control faulting, and more broadly deformation throughout the brittle crust.

Open access    Brodsky, E.E., Mori, J.J., Anderson, L., Chester, F.M., Conin, M., Dunham, E.M., Eguchi, N., Fulton, P.M., Hino, R., Hirose, T., Ikari, M.J., Ishikawa, T., Jeppson, T., Kano, Y., Kirkpatrick, J., Kodaira, S., Lin, W., Nakamura, Y., Rabinowitz, H.S., Regalla,C., Remitti, F., Rowe, C. et al., 2020. The State of Stress on the Fault Before, During, and After a Major Earthquake. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 48, 49-74.

Savage, H.M., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Mori, J.J., Brodsky, E.E., Ellsworth, W.L., Carpenter, B.M., Chen, X., Cappa, F., Kano, Y., 2017. Scientific Exploration of Induced SeisMicity and Stress (SEISMS). Scientific Drilling 23, 57-63. DOI: 10.5194/sd-23-57-2017

Compton, K.E., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Holk, G.J., 2017. Cyclical shear fracture and viscous flow during transitional ductile-brittle deformation in the Saddlebag Lake Shear Zone, California. Tectonophysics 708, 1-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.04.006

Shervais, K.A.H., Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2016. Smoothing and re-roughening processes: The geometric evolution of a single fault zone. Journal of Structural Geology 91, 130-143. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2016.09.004

Keren, T.T., Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2016. The damage is done: Low fault friction recorded in the damage zone of the shallow Japan Trench décollement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (5), 3804-3824. DOI: 10.1002/2015JB012311

Brodsky, E.E., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Candela, T., 2016. Constraints from fault roughness on the scale-dependent strength of rocks. Geology 44 (1), 19-22. DOI: 10.1130/G37206.1

Bose, S., Saha, P., Mori, J.J., Rowe, C., Ujiie, K., Chester, F.M., Conin, M., Regalla, C., Kameda, J., Toy, V., Kirkpatrick, J., Remitti, F., Moore, J.C., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Nakamura, Y., Gupta, A., 2015. Deformation structures in the frontal prism near the Japan Trench: Insights from sandbox models. Journal of Geodynamics 89, 29-38. DOI: 10.1016/j.jog.2015.06.002

Rabinowitz, H.S., Savage, H.M., Plank, T., Polissar, P.J., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Rowe, C.D., 2015. Multiple major faults at the Japan Trench: Chemostratigraphy of the plate boundary at IODP Exp. 343: JFAST. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 423, 57-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.04.010

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Strasser, M., Kodaira, S., Sample, J., Mori, J., Saito, S., 2015. IODP workshop: Tracking the Tsunamigenic slips across and along the Japan Trench (JTRACK). Scientific Drilling 19, 27-32. DOI: 10.5194/sd-19-27-2015

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Rowe, C.D., Ujiie, K., Moore, J.C., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Toy, V., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Kameda, J., Bose, S., Chester, F.M., 2015.
Structure and lithology of the Japan Trench subduction plate boundary fault. Tectonics 34 (1), 53-69. DOI: 10.1002/2014TC003695

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Brodsky, E.E., 2014. Slickenline orientations as a record of fault rock rheology. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 408, 24-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.09.040

Soden, A.M., Shipton, Z.K., Lunn, R.J., Pytharouli, S.I., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Do Nascimento, A.F., Bezerra, F.H.R., 2014. Brittle structures focused on subtle crustal heterogeneities: Implications for flow in fractured rocks. Journal of the Geological Society 171 (4), 509-524. DOI: 10.1144/jgs2013-051

Shervais, J., Evans, J., Toy, V., Kirkpatrick, J., Clarke, A., Eichelberger, J., 2014. Drilling to investigate processes in active tectonics and magmatism. Scientific Drilling 18, 19-33. DOI: 10.5194/sd-18-19-2014

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Rowe, C.D., White, J.C., Brodsky, E.E., 2013. Silica gel formation during fault slip: Evidence from the rock record. Geology 41 (9), 1015-1018. DOI: 10.1130/G34483.1

Shipton, Z.K., Soden, A.M., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Bright, A.M., Lunn, R.J., 2013. How Thick is a Fault? Fault Displacement-Thickness Scaling Revisited. Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting, 193-198. DOI: 10.1029/170GM19

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Bezerra, F.H.R., Shipton, Z.K., Do Nascimento, A.F., Pytharouli, S.I., Lunn, R.J., Soden, A.M., 2013. Scale-dependent influence of pre-existing basement shear zones on rift faulting: A case study from NE Brazil. Journal of the Geological Society 170 (2), 237-247. DOI: 10.1144/jgs2012-043

Lin, W., Conin, M., Moore, J.C., Chester, F.M., Nakamura, Y., Mori, J.J., Anderson, L., Brodsky, E.E., Eguchi, N., Cook, B., Jeppson, T., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Sanada, Y., Saito, S., Kido, Y., Hirose, T., Behrmann, J.H., Ikari, M., Ujiie, K., Rowe, C., Kirkpatrick, J., Bose, S., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Toy, V., Fulton, P., Mishima, T., Yang, T., Sun, T., Ishikawa, T., Sample, J., Takai, K., Kameda, J., Toczko, S., Maeda, L., Kodaira, S., Hino, R., Saffer, D., 2013. Stress state in the largest displacement area of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Science 339 (6120), 687-690. DOI: 10.1126/science.1229379

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Rowe, C.D., 2013. Disappearing ink: How pseudotachylytes are lost from the rock record. Journal of Structural Geology 52 (1), 183-198. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2013.03.003

Chester, F.M., Rowe, C., Ujiie, K., Kirkpatrick, J., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Moore, J.C., Toy, V., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Bose, S., Kameda, J., Mori, J.J., Brodsky, E.E., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., 2013. Structure and composition of the plate-boundary slip zone for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Science 342 (6163), 1208-1211. DOI: 10.1126/science.1243719

Sherry, T.J., Rowe, C.D., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Brodsky, E.E., 2012. Emplacement and dewatering of the world's largest exposed sand injectite complex. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (1), art. no. Q08008. DOI: 10.1029/2012GC004157

Rowe, C.D., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Brodsky, E.E., 2012. Fault rock injections record paleo-earthquakes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 335-336, 154-166. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2012.04.015

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Dobson, K.J., Mark, D.F., Shipton, Z.K., Brodsky, E.E., Stuart, F.M., 2012. The depth of pseudotachylyte formation from detailed thermochronology and constraints on coseismic stress drop variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (6), art. no. B06406. DOI: 10.1029/2011JB008846

Pytharouli, S.I., Lunn, R.J., Shipton, Z.K., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Do Nascimento, A.F., 2011. Microseismicity illuminates open fractures in the shallow crust. Geophysical Research Letters 38 (2), art. no. L02402. DOI: 10.1029/2010GL045875

Moir, H., Lunn, R.J., Shipton, Z.K., Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2010. Simulating brittle fault evolution from networks of pre-existing joints within crystalline rock. Journal of Structural Geology 32 (11), 1742-1753. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2009.08.016

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Shipton, Z.K., Persano, C., 2009. Pseudotachylytes: Rarely generated, rarely preserved, or rarely reported? Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 99 (1), 382-388. DOI: 10.1785/0120080114

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Shipton, Z.K., 2009. Geologic evidence for multiple slip weakening mechanisms during seismic slip in crystalline rock. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (12), art. no. B12401. DOI: 10.1029/2008JB006037

Kirkpatrick, J.D., Shipton, Z.K., Evans, J.P., Micklethwaite, S., Lim, S.J., McKillop, P., 2008. Strike-slip fault terminations at seismogenic depths: The structure and kinematics of the Glacier Lakes fault, Sierra Nevada United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (4), art. no. B04304.  DOI: 10.1029/2007JB005311

Shipton, Z.K., Soden, A.M., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Bright, A.M., Lunn, R.J., 2006. How thick is a fault? Fault displacement-thickness scaling revisited. Geophysical Monograph Series 170, 193-198. DOI: 10.1029/170GM19

Baumgarte, Julia : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre et des planètes
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Tarling , Matthew : Stage postdoctoral
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill
Codirection : Christie Rowe
Sujet de recherche : Active transform faults on land and in the oceans