Guillaume St-Onge

G. St-Onge

Risques naturels 

Université du Québec à Rimouski
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski

guillaume_st-onge [at] (guillaume_st-onge[at]uqar[dot]ca)

Mots clés: paléomagnétisme, stratigraphie, sédimentologie, paléoclimatologie, risques naturels

Mes projets de recherche consistent principalement à reconstituer les variations d’orientation et d’intensité du champ magnétique terrestre au cours du Quaternaire à partir de séquences sédimentaires de haute résolution des deux hémisphères avec une emphase particulière dans l’Arctique. Ces reconstitutions servent à déterminer la dynamique du champ magnétique terrestre à des échelles de temps encore pratiquement inexplorées ainsi que pour l’établissement de chronostratigraphies robustes. Finalement, à partir des différentes propriétés magnétiques, physiques et sédimentologiques de séquences sédimentaires marines ou lacustres, je développe des traceurs des variations climatiques ou environnementales ainsi que des catastrophes naturelles (séismes, glissements de terrain ou crues) au cours du Quaternaire.

Mérindol, J., Cauchy, P., St-Onge, G., Gervaise, C., 2024. Assessment of the St. Lawrence Estuary Soundscape. In A.N. Popper et al (eds.), The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Springer Nature Switzerland AG2024,
Perrier de la Bathie, C., Cauchy, P., St-Onge, G., Mercure-Boissonnault, P., Lafrance, S., 2024. Can we be confident about ship noise measurements? In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 270(3), 8322-8331. Institute of Noise Control Engineering.

Casse, M., Montero-Serrano, J.-C., St-Onge, G., 2017Influence of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and relative sea-level changes on sediment dynamics in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence since the last deglaciationBoreas 46 (3), 541-561.

Duboc, Q., St-Onge, G., Lajeunesse, P., 2017Sediment records of the influence of river damming on the dynamics of the Nelson and Churchill Rivers, western Hudson Bay, Canada, during the last centuriesHolocene 27 (5), 712-725.

Flood, R.D., Violante, R.A., Gorgas, T., Schwarz, E., Grützner, J., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Biddle, J., St-Onge, G., 2017IODP workshop: Developing scientific drilling proposals for the Argentina Passive Volcanic Continental Margin (APVCM) - basin evolution, deep biosphere, hydrates, sediment dynamics and ocean evolutionScientific Drilling 22, 49-61.

Gamboa, A., Montero-Serrano, J.-C., St-Onge, G., Rochon, A., Desiage, P.-A., 2017Mineralogical, geochemical, and magnetic signatures of surface sediments from the Canadian Beaufort Shelf and Amundsen Gulf (Canadian Arctic)Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18 (2), 488-512.

Isola, J.I., Tassone, A.A., Esteban, F.D., Violante, R.A., Haller, M.J. and St-Onge, G., 2017Sismoestratigrafía y evolución Cenozoica de un sector de las terrazas Nágera y Perito Moreno, Margen Continental PatagónicoLatin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis 24(1), 45-59.

Jennings, A.E., Andrews, J.T., Cofaigh, C.Ó., Onge, G.S., Sheldon, C., Belt, S.T., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2017. Ocean forcing of Ice Sheet retreat in central west Greenland from LGM to the early HoloceneEarth and Planetary Science Letters 472, 1-13.

Jouve, G., Lisé-Pronovost, A., Francus, P., De Coninck, A.S., PASADO Science Team (including G. St-Onge), 2017. Climatic influence of the latest Antarctic isotope maximum of the last glacial period (AIM4) on Southern PatagoniaPalaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology472, pp.33-50.

Lajeunesse, P., Sinkunas, B., Morissette, A., Normandeau, A., Joyal, G., St-Onge, G., Locat, J., 2017. Large-scale seismically-induced mass-movements in a former glacial lake basin: Lake Témiscouata, northeastern Appalachians (eastern Canada)Marine Geology 384, 120-130.

Mai-Thi, N.N., St-Onge, G., Tremblay, L., 2017Contrasting fates of organic matter in locations having different organic matter inputs and bottom water O2 concentrationsEstuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 198, 63-72.

Normandeau, A., Dietrich, P., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Ghienne, J.F., Duchesne, M.J., Francus, P., 2017. Timing and controls on the delivery of coarse sediment to deltas and submarine fans on a formerly glaciated coast and shelfGSA Bulletin 129(11-12), 1424-1441.

Rémillard, A.M., St-Onge, G., Bernatchez, P., Hétu, B., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Lajeunesse, P., 2017Relative sea-level changes and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the Magdalen Islands archipelago (Atlantic Canada) from MIS 5 to the late HoloceneQuaternary Science Reviews 171, 216-233.

Archambault, P., Grant, C., Audet, R., Bader, B., Bourgault, D., Cusson, M., Doyon, S., Dumont, D., Lamalle, S., Levasseur, M., Morin, É., Pelletier, É, Schloss, I., St-Onge, G. et al., 2016. Notre Golfe: l’émergence d’un réseau intersectoriel pour l’étude de l’environnement socioécologique du golfe du Saint-LaurentLe Naturaliste canadien 140(2), 41-44.

Beaudoin, A., Pienitz, R., Francus, P., Zdanowicz, C., St-Onge, G., 2016. Palaeoenvironmental history of the last six centuries in the Nettilling Lake area (Baffin Island, Canada): A multi-proxy analysisThe Holocene 26(11), 1835-1846.

Biagioni, S., Haberzettl, T., Wang, L.-C., St-Onge, G., Behling, H., 2016Unravelling the past 1,000 years of history of human–climate–landscape interactions at the Lindu plain, Sulawesi, IndonesiaVegetation History and Archaeobotany 25 (1), 1-17.

Cauchon-Voyer, G., Locat, J., Leroueil, S., St-Onge, G., Demers, D., 2016The Betsiamites-Colombier slides along the St. Lawrence Estuary: Linking a 7250 years BP submarine slide to a 1663 coastal landslideIn S. Aversa, L. Cascini, L. Picarelli, C. Scavia (eds.), Landslides and Engineered Slopes. Experience, Theory and Practice 2, 605-614.

Henkel, K., Haberzettl, T., St-Onge, G., Wang, J., Ahlborn, M., Daut, G., Zhu, L., Mäusbacher, R., 2016High-resolution paleomagnetic and sedimentological investigations on the Tibetan Plateau for the past 16 ka cal B.P.-The Tangra Yumco recordGeochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (3), 774-790.

Lajeunesse, P., Duchesne, M.J., St-Onge, G., Locat, J., Higgins, M., Sanfaçon, R., Ortiz, J. 2016. The Corossol structure : a glaciated crater of possible impact origin in the northwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence (eastern Canada). Dans : J.A. Dowdeswell, M. Canals, M. Jakobsson, B.J. Todd, E.K. Dowdeswell et K.A. Hogan (Éds.), Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landform. Geological Society of London Memoir 46, 127-128.

Locat, J., Turmel, D., Habersetzer, M., Trottier, A.-P., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., 2016Earthquake induced landslides in lake Éternité, Québec, CanadaAdvances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 41, 361-370.

Rémillard, A.M., St-Onge, G., Bernatchez, P., Hétu, B., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Vigneault, B., 2016Chronology and stratigraphy of the Magdalen Islands archipelago from the last glaciation to the early Holocene: New insights into the glacial and sea-level history of eastern CanadaBoreas 45 (4), 604-628.

Simon, Q., Thouveny, N., Bourlès, D.L., Nuttin, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., St-Onge, G., 2016Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios and 10Be-fluxes (230Thxs-normalized) in central Baffin Bay sediments during the last glacial cycle: Paleoenvironmental implicationsQuaternary Science Reviews 140, 142-162.

Vuillemin, A., Ariztegui, D., Leavitt, P.R., Bunting, L. and the PASADO Scientific Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2016. Recording of climate and diagenesis through sedimentary DNA and fossil pigments at Laguna Potrok Aike, ArgentinaBiogeosciences 13(8), 2475-2492.

Desiage, P.-A., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Normandeau, A., Ledoux, G., Guyard, H., Pienitz, R., 2015Deglacial and postglacial evolution of the Pingualuit Crater Lake basin, northern Québec (Canada)Geomorphology, 248 pp. 327-343.

Dorfman, J.M., Stoner, J.S., Finkenbinder, M.S., Abbott, M.B., Xuan, C., St-Onge, G., 2015. A 37,000-year environmental magnetic record of aeolian dust deposition from Burial Lake, Arctic AlaskaQuaternary Science Reviews 128, 81-97.

Govin, A., Capron, E., Tzedakis, P.C., Verheyden, S., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., St-Onge, G., Stoner, J.S., Bassinot, F., Bazin, L., Blunier, T., Combourieu-Nebout, N., El Ouahabi, A., Genty, D., Gersonde, R., Jimenez-Amat, P., Landais, A., Martrat, B., Masson-Delmotte, V., Parrenin, F., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Veres, D., Waelbroeck, C., Zahn, R., 2015Sequence of events from the onset to the demise of the Last Interglacial: Evaluating strengths and limitations of chronologies used in climatic archivesQuaternary Science Reviews 129, 1-36.

Gulick, S.P.S., Jaeger, J.M., Mix, A.C., Asahi, H., Bahlburg, H., Belanger, C.L., Berbel, G.B.B., Childress, L., Cowan, E., Drab, L., Forwick, M., Fukumura, A., Ge, S., Gupta, S., Kioka, A., Konno, S., LeVay, L.J., Marz, C., Matsuzaki, K.M., McClymont, E.L., Moy, C., Muller, J., Nakamura, A., Ojima, T., Ribeiro, F.R., Ridgway, K.D., Romero, O.E., Slagle, A.L., Stoner, J.S., St-Onge, G., Suto, I., Walczak, M.D., Worthington, L.L., Bailey, I., Enkelmann, E., Reece, R., Swartz, J.M., 2015Mid-Pleistocene climate transition drives net mass loss from rapidly uplifting St. Elias Mountains, AlaskaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112 (49), 15042-15047.

Haberzettl, T., Henkel, K., Kasper, T., Ahlborn, M., Su, Y., Wang, J., Appel, E., St-Onge, G., Stoner, J., Daut, G., Zhu, L., Mäusbacher, R., 2015Independently dated paleomagnetic secular variation records from the Tibetan PlateauEarth and Planetary Science Letters 416, 98-108. 

Jolivel, M., Allard, M., St-Onge, G., 2015Climate change and recent sedimentation in Nastapoka Sound, eastern coast of Hudson BayCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences 52 (5), 322-337. 

Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Jouve, G., Francus, P., Ohlendorff, C., Gebhardt, C., Zolitschka, B., PASADO Science Team, 2015Rock-magnetic proxies of wind intensity and dust since 51,200 cal BP from lacustrine sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southeastern PatagoniaEarth and Planetary Science Letters 411, 72-86. 

Normandeau, A., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., 2015Submarine canyons and channels in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (Eastern Canada): Morphology, classification and recent sediment dynamicsGeomorphology 241, 1-18. 

Recasens, C., Ariztegui, D., Maidana, N.I., Zolitschka, B. and the PASADO Scientific Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2015. Diatoms as indicators of hydrological and climatic changes in Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia) since the Late PleistocenePalaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 417, 309-319.

Rémillard, A.M., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., St-Onge, G., Bernatchez, P., Hétu, B., 2015Quartz OSL dating of late Holocene beach ridges from the Magdalen Islands (Quebec, Canada)Quaternary Geochronology 30, 264-269. 

Rémillard, A.M., Hétu, B., Bernatchez, P., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., St-Onge, G., Geach, M., 2015Chronology and palaeoenvironmental implications of the ice-wedge pseudomorphs and composite-wedge casts on the Magdalen Islands (eastern Canada)Boreas 44 (4), 658-675.

Guyard, H., Francus, P., St-Onge, G., Hausmann, S., Pienitz, R., 2014. Microfacies and microstructures of subglacial and deglacial sediments from the Pingualuit Crater Lake (Ungava Peninsula, Canada)Canadian journal of earth sciences 51(12), 1084-1096.

Hahn, A., Kliem, P., Oehlerich, M., Ohlendorf, C., Zolitschka, B., the PASADO Science Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2014. Elemental composition of the Laguna Potrok Aike sediment sequence reveals paleoclimatic changes over the past 51 ka in southern Patagonia, ArgentinaJournal of paleolimnology52(4), pp.349-366.

Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Jouve, G., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B. 2014Rock-magnetic signature of precipitation and extreme runoff events in south-eastern Patagonia since 51,200cal BP from the sediments of Laguna Potrok AikeQuaternary Science Reviews, vol. 98, pp. 110-125.

Locat, J., Cauchon-Voyer*, G., Leroueil, S. St-Onge, G., Demers, D., 2014. The Betsiamites-Colombier slides along the St. Lawrence Estuary : linking a 7250 yr BP submarine slide to a 1663 coastal landslide. Compte-rendus de la conférence GeoHazards 6. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.

Magyari, E.K., Veres, D., Wennrich, V., Wagner, B., Braun, M., Jakab, G., Karátson, D., Pál, Z., Ferenczy, G., St-Onge, G., Rethemeyer, J., 2014. Vegetation and environmental responses to climate forcing during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation in the East Carpathians: attenuated response to maximum cooling and increased biomass burningQuaternary Science Reviews 106, 278-298.

Marchand, J.-P., Buffin-Bélanger, T., Hétu, B., St-Onge, G. 2014Stratigraphy and infill history of the glacially eroded matane River Valley, eastern Quebec, CanadaCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 105-124.

Normandeau, A., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Bourgault, D., Drouin, S.S.O., Senneville, S., Bélanger, S. 2014Morphodynamics in sediment-starved inner-shelf submarine canyons (Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada)Marine Geology, vol. 357, pp. 243-255. 

Ohlendorf, C., Fey, M., Massaferro, J., Haberzettl, T., Laprida, C., Lücke, A., Maidana, N., Mayr, C., Oehlerich, M., Ramón Mercau, J., Wille, M., Corbella, H., St-Onge, G., Schäbitz, F., Zolitschka, B. 2014Late Holocene hydrology inferred from lacustrine sediments of Laguna Cháltel (southeastern Argentina)Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 411, pp. 229-248. 

Scientifiques de l’Expédition 341 (incluant St-Onge, G.), 2014, Southern Alaska Margin: interactions oftectonics, climate, and sedimentation. IODP Preliminary Reports, 341. doi:10.2204/

Simon, Q., Hillaire-Marcel, C., St-Onge, G., Andrews, J.T. 2014North-eastern Laurentide, western Greenland and southern Innuitian ice stream dynamics during the last glacial cycleJournal of Quaternary Science, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 14-26.

St-Onge, M.-P., St-Onge, G. 2014Environmental changes in Baffin Bay during the Holocene based on the physical and magnetic properties of sediment coresJournal of Quaternary Science, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 41-56.

Boyer-Villemaire, U., St-Onge, G., Bernatchez, P., Lajeunesse, P., Labrie, J. 2013, High-resolution multiproxy records of sedimentological changes induced by dams in the Sept-Îles area (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada), Marine Geology, vol. 338, pp. 17-29. 

Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Gebhardt, A.C., Sohbati, R., Ohlendorf, C., Thiel, C., Wastegård, S., Zolitschka, B., et l’Équipe scientifique PASADO (incluant St-Onge, G. et Lisé-Pronovost, A.). 2013, Luminescence dating of the PASADO core 5022-1D from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) using IRSL signals from feldspar. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 71, pp. 70-80.

Fortin, D., Francus, P., Gebhardt, A. C., Hahn, A., Kliem, P., Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G. 2013, Destructive and non-destructive density determination: Method comparison and evaluation from the laguna potrok aike sedimentary record. Quaternary Science Reviews 71, 147-153. 

Guyard, H., Chapron, E., St-Onge, G., Labrie, J. 2013, Late-Holocene NAO and oceanic forcing on high-altitude proglacial sedimentation (Lake Bramant, Western French Alps), Holocene, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 1163-1172. 

Haberzettl, T., St-Onge, G., Behling, H., Kirleis, W. 2013, Evaluating Late Holocene radiocarbon-based chronologies by matching palaeomagnetic secular variations to geomagnetic field models: An example from Lake Kalimpaa (Sulawesi, Indonesia), Geological Society Special Publication, vol. 373, no. 1, pp. 245-259.

Hahn, A., Kliem, P., Ohlendorf, C., Zolitschka, B., Rosen, P., the PASADO Science Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2013. Climate induced changes as registered in inorganic and organic sediment components from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) during the past 51 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 71, 154-166.

Jouve, G., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S., Provencher-Nolet, L., Hahn, A., Haberzettl, T., Fortin, D., Nuttin, L., the PASADO Science Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2013. Microsedimentological characterization using image analysis and μ-XRF as indicators of sedimentary processes and climate changes during Lateglacial at Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Quaternary Science Reviews 71, 191-204.

Kliem, P., Enters, D., Hahn, A., Ohlendorf, C., Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Wastegård, S., Zolitschka, B. 2013, Lithology, radiocarbon chronology and sedimentological interpretation of the lacustrine record from Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 71, pp. 54-69. 

Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Locat, J., Duchesne, M.J., Higgins, M.D., Sanfaçon, R., Ortiz, J. 2013, The Corossol structure: A possible impact crater on the seafloor of the northwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Eastern Canada, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 2542-2558. 

Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Preda, M., Kliem, P., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B. 2013, High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variations and relative paleointensity since the Late Pleistocene in southern South America, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 71, pp. 91-108. 

Luoto, T.P., Salonen, V.-P., Larocque-Tobler, I., Pienitz, R., Hausmann, S., Guyard, H., St-Onge, G. 2013, Pro-and postglacial invertebrate communities of Pingualuit Crater Lake, Nunavik (Canada), and their paleoenvironmental implications, Freshwater Sciences, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 951-963.

Normandeau, A., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G. 2013, Shallow-water longshore drift-fed submarine fan deposition (Moisie River Delta, Eastern Canada), Geo-Marine Letters, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 391-403.

Polyak, L., Best, K.M., Crawford, K.A., Council, E.A., St-Onge, G. 2013, Quaternary history of sea ice in the western Arctic Ocean based on foraminifera, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 79, pp. 145-156.

Roger, J., Saint-Ange, F., Lajeunesse, P., Duchesne, M.J., St-Onge, G. 2013, Late quaternary glacial history and meltwater discharges along the northeastern Newfoundland shelf, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 1178-1194. 

Vuillemin, A., Ariztegui, D., the PASADO Science Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2013. Geomicrobiological investigations in subsaline maar lake sediments over the last 1500 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 71, 119-130.

Wastegård, S., Veres, D., Kliem, P., Hahn, A., Ohlendorf, C., Zolitschka, B., the PASADO Science Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2013. Towards a late Quaternary tephrochronological framework for the southernmost part of South America–the Laguna Potrok Aike tephra record. Quaternary Science Reviews 71, 81-90.

Zhu, J., Lücke, A., Wissel, H., Müller, D., Mayr, C., Ohlendorf, C., Zolitschka, B., the PASADO Science Team (incl. G. St-Onge), 2013. The last Glacial–Interglacial transition in Patagonia, Argentina: the stable isotope record of bulk sedimentary organic matter from Laguna Potrok Aike. Quaternary Science Reviews 71, 205-218.

Chapron, E., Ledoux, G., Simonneau, A., Albéric, P., St-Onge, G., Lajeunesse, P., Boivin, P., Desmet, M. 2012. New evidence of Holocene mass wasting events in recent volcanic lakes from the French Massif Central (Lakes Pavin, Montcineyre and Chauvet) and implications for natural hazards. In D. Mosher et al. (Eds.), Submarine Landslides and Consequences, Springer, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 31, 255-263.

Cauchon-Voyer, G., Locat, J., Leroueil, S., St-Onge, G., Lajeunesse, P. 2012. Submarine stability and landslide mobility in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada : the case of a large Holocene landslide. In D. Mosher et al. (Eds.), Submarine Landslides and Consequences, Springer, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research 31, 67-74.

Gogorza, C.S.G., Irurzun, M.A., Sinito, A.M., Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Haberzettl, T., Ohlendorf, C., Kastner, S., Zolitschka, B. 2012. High-resolution paleomagnetic records from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina) for the last 16,000 years. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13, Q12Z37, doi:10.1029/2011GC003900.

Locat, J., Turmel, D., Noël, F., Amiguet, C., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge ,G., Terhzaz, L. 2012. Exploring the contrasting signatures of submarine landslides along the North Channel of the St. Lawrence Middle Estuary (Charlevoix), Québec, Canada. In Eberhardt et al. (Eds.), Landslides and Engineered Slopes: Protecting Society through Improved Understanding. Taylor and Francis Group, Londres, pp. 1077-1083. 

Ortiz, D., Nof, D., Polyak, L., St-Onge, G., Lisé-pronovost, A., Naidu, S., Darby, D., Brachfeld, S. 2012, The late quaternary flow through the bering strait has been forced by the Southern Ocean winds, Journal of Physical Oceanography, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 2014-2029.

Recasens, C., Ariztegui, D., Gebhardt, C., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Hahn, A., Kliem, P., Lisé-Pronovost, A., Lücke, A., Maidana, N., Mayr, C., Ohlendorf, C., Schäbitz, F., St-Onge, G., Wille, M., Zolitschka, B. 2012. New insights into paleoenvironmental changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia, since the Late Pleistocene: The PASADO multiproxy record, Holocene, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 1323-1335. 

Simon, Q., St-Onge, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C. 2012. Late Quaternary chronostratigraphic framework of deep Baffin Bay glaciomarine sediments from high-resolution paleomagnetic data. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13 (1), Q0AO03, doi:10.1029/2012GC004272. 

St-Onge, G., Chapron, E., Mulsow, S., Salas, M., Viel, M., Debret, M., Foucher, A., Mulder, T., Winiarski, T., Desmet, M., Costa, P.J.M., Ghaleb, B., Jaouen, A., Locat, J. 2012. Comparison of earthquake-triggered turbidites from the Saguenay (Eastern Canada) and Reloncavi (Chilean margin) Fjords: Implications for paleoseismicity and sedimentology. Sedimentary Geology, 243-244, 89-107.

Antoniades, D., Francus, P., Pienitz, R., St-Onge, G., Vincent, W.F. 2011. Holocene dynamics of the Arctic’s largest ice shelf. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 : 18899–18904. Voir aussi le commentaire sur cet article. Hodgson, D.A. 2011. First synchronous retreat of ice shelves marks a new phase of polar deglaciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 18859-18860.

Cauchon-Voyer, G., Locat, J., Leroueil, S., St-Onge, G., Demers, D., 2011. Large-scale subaerial and submarine Holocene and recent mass movements in the Betsiamites area, Quebec, Canada, Engineering Geology, 121(1-2), 28-45.

de Vernal, A., St-Onge, G., Gilbert, D., 2011. Oceanography and Quaternary geology of the St. Lawrence Estuary and the Saguenay Fjord, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 14, 012004.

Guyard, H., St-Onge, G., Pienitz, R., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B., Clarke, G.K., Hausmann, S., Salonen, V-.P., Lajeunesse, P., Ledoux, G., Lamothe, M. 2011. New insights into Late Pleistocene glacial and postglacial history of northernmost Ungava (Canada) from the Pingualuit Crater Lake sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 3892-3907.

Hausmann, S., Larocque, I., Richard, P.J.H., Pienitz, R., St-Onge, G. 2011. Diatom inferred wind activity at Lake du Sommet, southern Québec, Canada : adding coherence to a multi-proxy paleoclimate reconstruction based on diatoms, chironomids and pollen for the past 9500 years. The Holocene, doi:10.1177/0959683611400199.

Ohlendorf, C., Gebhardt, C., Hahn, A., Kliem, P., Zolitschka, B. et l’équipe scientifique PASADO (incluant G. St-Onge et A. Lisé-Pronovost). 2011. The PASADO core processing strategy - A proposed new protocol for sediment core treatment in multidisciplinary lake drilling projects. Sedimentary Geology, 239 : 104–115.

Roger, J., Duchesne, M.J., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Pinet, N. 2011. Imaging pockmarks and ring-like features in Hudson Bay from multibeam bathymetry data. Geological Survey of Canada Open File 6760.

St-Onge, G., Stoner, J.S., 2011. Paleomagnetism near the North Magnetic Pole: A unique vantage point for understanding the dynamics of the geomagnetic field and its secular variations. Oceanography, 24(3), 42–50. 

St-Onge, G., Duchesne, M.J., Lajeunesse, P., 2011. Marine geology of the St. Lawrence Estuary, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 14, 012003.

St-Onge, G., Veiga-Pires, C., Solignac, S., 2011. Ocean and climate changes in polar and sub-polar environments: proceedings from the 2010 IODP-Canada/ECORD summer school , IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 14, 011001.

Barletta, F., St-Onge, G., Stoner, J.S., Lajeunesse, P, Locat, J., 2010. A high-resolution Holocene paleomagnetic secular variation and relative paleointensity stack from eastern Canada, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 298, 162-174. GEOTOP publication n°2010-0006.

Barletta, F., St-Onge, G., Channell, J.E.T., Rochon, A., 2010. Dating of Holocene western Canadian Arctic sediments by matching paleomagnetic secular variation to a geomagnetic field model, Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (17-18), 2315-2324, GEOTOP publication n°2010-0004.

Carozza, L., Chapron, E., Simonneau, A., Mille, B., Guyard, H., St-Onge, G., Rostan, P. Bourgarit, D., Burens, A., 2010. Glacial fluctuations and exploitation of copper resources in high mountain during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age in the French Alps (2500-1500 BC), In : P. Anreiter et al. (Eds.), Mining in European History and its Impact on Environment and Human Societies, Proceedings for the 1st Mining in European History, 81-90.

Duchesne, M., Pinet, N., Bédard, K., St-Onge G., Lajeunesse, P., Campbell, D., Bolduc, A., 2010. Role of the bedrock topography in the Quaternary filling of a giant estuarine basin: the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Eastern Canada, Basin Research, 22(6), 933-951.

Haberzettl, T., St-Onge, G., Lajeunesse, P., 2010. Multi-proxy records of environmental changes in Hudson Bay and Strait since the final outburst flood of Lake Agassiz–Ojibway, Marine Geology, 271(1-2), 93-105. GEOTOP publication n°2009-0021.

Ledoux, G., Lajeunesse, P., Chapron, E., St-Onge, G., 2010. Multibeam bathymetry investigations of mass-movements in Lake Le Bourget (NW Alps, France) using a portable platform. In D.C. Mosher et al. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 28, Springer, 423-434.

Ledu, D., Rochon, A., de Vernal, A., St-Onge, G., 2010. Holocene paleoceanography of the northwest passage, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Quaternary Science Reviews, 29(25-26), 3468-3488.

Ledu, D., Rochon, A., de Vernal, A., Barletta, F., St-Onge, G., 2010. Holocene sea-ice history and climate variability along the main axis of the Northwest Passage, Canadian Arctic, Paleoceanography, 25, PA2213, doi:10.1029/2009PA001817.

Ledu, D., Rochon, A., de Vernal, A., St-Onge, G. 2010. Holocene paleoceanography of the Northwest Passage, Canadian Arctic Archipelago : the possible onset of an Arctic Oscillation climate mode. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 : 3468-3488.

Brachfeld, S., Barletta, F, St-Onge, G., Darby, D., Ortiz, J.D, 2009. Impact of diagenesis on the environmental magnetic record from a Holocene sedimentary sequence from the Chukchi-Alaskan margin, Arctic Ocean, Global and Planetary Changes, 68(1-2), 100-114. GEOTOP publication n°2009-0009. 

Gagné, H., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Bolduc, A., 2009. Recent transfer of coastal sediments to the Laurentian Channel, Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (Eastern Canada), through submarine canyon and fan systems, Geo-Marine Letters, 29 (3), 191-200.

Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Brachfeld, S., Barletta, F., Darby, D., 2009. Paleomagnetic constraints on the Holocene stratigraphy of the Arctic Alaskan margin, Estuarine, Global and Planetary Changes, 68(1-2), 85-99. GEOTOP publication n°2009-0008. 

Scott, D.B., Schell, T., St-Onge, G., Rochon, A., Blasco, S., 2009. Foraminiferal assemblage changes over the last 15,000 years on the Mackenzie-Beaufort Sea slope and Amundsen Gulf, Canada: implication for past sea-ice conditions, Paleoceanography, 24, PA2219, doi:10.1029/2007PA001575.

St-Onge, G., Long, B.F., 2009. CAT-scan analysis of sedimentary sequences: an ultrahigh-resolution paleoclimatic tool, Engineering Geology, 103, 127-133. GEOTOP Publication n° 2007-0054. (special number on the use of CAT-scan in geosciences).

Veiga-Pires, C., St-Onge, G. (Editors), 2009. 1st METECH Workshop-from deep-sea to coastal zones: Methods & Techniques for studying Palaeoenvironments. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 5 (

Zolitschka, B., Anselmetti, F., Ariztegui, D., Corbella, H., Francus, P., Ohlendorf, C., Schäbitz, F. and the PASADO Scientific Drilling Team (incluant G. St-Onge, A. Lisé-Pronovost et T. Haberzettl). 2009. The Laguna Potrok Aike Scientific Drilling Project PASADO (ICDP Expedition 5022). Scientific Drilling 8, 29-34.

Barletta, F., St-Onge, G., Channell, J.E.T., Rochon, A., Polyak. L., Darby, D.A., 2008. High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variation and relative paleointensity records from the western Canadian Arctic: implication for Holocene stratigraphy and geomagnetic field behaviour,  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45, 265-1281. GEOTOP publication n°2008-0024.

Cauchon-Voyer, G., Locat, J., St-Onge, G., 2008. Late-Quaternary morpho-sedimentology and submarine mass movements of the Betsiamites area, Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada, Marine Geology, 251(3-4), 233-252.

Chapron, E., Bailly-Maitre, M.-C., Anselmetti, F.,  Guyard, H., St Onge, G., Desmet, M., Chauvel, C., Winiarski, T., Magand, O., Arnaud, F., Charlet, L., Deline, P., Magny, M., Mélières, M.-A., 2008. Impact des fluctuations glaciaires et des activités minières anciennes d’altitude sur la sédimentation lacustre proglaciaire Tardiglaciaire-Holocène dans le massif des Grandes Rousses (Alpes Occidentales, France), Cahiers de Paléoenvironnement, 6, 39-50 (acte de colloque).

Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., 2008. Subglacial origin of Lake Agassiz-Ojibway final outburst flood, Nature Geoscience, 3, 184-188. GEOTOP publication n° 2008-0012.

Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., 2008. Clues on the seafloor, Nature Geoscience, 3, 204.

Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Randall, K., Moreau-Labrecque, A., 2008. Mouvements de masse subaquatiques postglaciaires au lac Jacques-Cartier, Réserve faunique des Laurentides (Québec) : résultats préliminaires. In : J. Locat et al (Éds.). Comptes rendus de la 4e Conférence canadienne sur les géorisques : des causes à la gestion. Presse de l’Université Laval, Québec, pp. 313-322. GEOTOP publication n° 2008-0014.

Lavoie, C, Hill, P.R., Allard, M., St-Onge, G,  Lajeunesse, P., 2008. High-resolution seismo-stratigraphy and sedimentological properties of late- and postglacial  sediments in Lac Guillaume-Delisle Estuary and Nastapoka Sound, eastern Hudson Bay, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45, 427-441.

Ledu, D., Rochon, A., de Vernal, A., St-Onge, G., 2008. Palynological evidence of Holocene climate oscillations in the Eastern Arctic: a possible shift in the Arctic Oscillation at the millennial time scale, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45, 1363-1375.

Scott, D.B., Rochon, A., Schell, T.M., St-Onge, G., Blasco, S., Bennett, R., 2008. Historical variability-Paleoclimates. In : L. Fortier, D.G. Barber and J. Michaud (Eds.), On Thin Ice: A synthesis of the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES), Aboriginal Issues Press, Chapter 8, 143-158, 215pp.

St-Onge, G., Lajeunesse, P., Duchesne, M.J., Gagné, H.,  2008. Identification and dating of a key Late Pleistocene stratigraphic unit in the St. Lawrence Estuary and Gulf (Eastern Canada), Quaternary Science Reviews, 27, 2390-2400.

St-Onge, G., Chapron, E., Guyard, H., Rochon, A., Lajeunesse, P., Scott, D., Locat, J., Stoner, J.S., Hillaire-Marcel., C., 2008. High-resolution physical and magnetic properties of rapidly deposited layers associated with landslides, earthquakes and floods. In : J. Locat et al (Éds.). Comptes rendus de la 4e Conférence canadienne sur les géorisques : des causes à la gestion. Presse de l’Université Laval, Québec, pp. 219-228. GEOTOP publication n° 2008-0013.

Cauchon-Voyer, G., Locat, J., St-Onge, G., 2007. Submarine mass movements in the Betsiamites area, Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada. In V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou and  J. Locat (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Springer, 233-241.

Guyard, H., Chapron, E., St-Onge, G., Anselmetti, F.S., Arnaud, F., Magand, O., Francus, P., Mélières, M.-A., 2007. High-altitude varve records of abrupt environmental changes and mining activity over the last 4000 years in the Western French Alps (Lake Bramant, Grandes Rousses Massif), Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(19-21), 2644-2660.

Guyard, H., St-Onge, G., Chapron, E., Anselmetti, F., Francus, P., 2007. The AD 1881 earthquake-triggered slump and late Holocene exceptional flood-induced turbidites from proglacial Lake Bramant, Western French Alps. In V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou and J. Locat (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Springer, 279-286. GEOTOP publication n° 2007-0017.

Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G, Labbé, G., Locat, J., 2007. Multibeam bathymetry and morphostratigraphy of submarine gravity flows and slopes failures in the St. Lawrence Gulf and Lower Estuary (Québec, Canada). In V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou and J. Locat (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Springer, 287-296.

Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Labbé, G. & Locat, J. 2007. Morphosedimentology of submarine mass-movements and gravity flows offshore Sept-Îles, NW Gulf of St. Lawrence (Québec, Canada). In V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou and J. Locat (Eds.) Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Springer-Kluwer, 287-296.

St-Onge, G., Lajeunesse, P., 2007. Flood-induced turbibites from northern Hudson Bay and western Hudson Strait: a two-pulse record of Lake Agassiz final outburst flood? In V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou and J. Locat (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Springer, 129-137. GEOTOP publication n° 2007-0016.

St-Onge, G., Mulder, T., Francus, P., Long., B., 2007. Chapter two: Continuous physical properties of cored marine sediments, In C. Hillaire-Marcel and A. de Vernal (Eds.), Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography, Elsevier, Developments in Marine Geology, 1, 63-98, DOI: 10.1016/S1572-5480(07)01007-X,  GEOTOP publication n° 2007-0015.

Stoner, J.S., St-Onge, G., 2007. Chapter three: Magnetic stratigraphy in paleoceanography: reversals, excursions, paleointensity and secular variation. In C. Hillaire-Marcel and A. de Vernal (Eds.), Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography, Elsevier, Developments in Marine Geology, 1, , 99-137. GEOTOP publication n° 2007-0016. 

St-Onge, G., Francus P., 2006. CT-scan image analysis and magnetic properties at Laguna Potrok Aike, Terra Nostra, 2006 (01), 66.

St-Onge, G., Mulder, T., Piper, D.J.W., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Stoner, J.S., 2004. Earthquake and flood-induced turbidites in the Saguenay Fjord (Québec): a Holocene paleoseismicity record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23, 283-294. GEOTOP publication n° 2004-0009.

St-Onge, G., Stoner, J.S., Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2003. Holocene paleomagnetic records from the St. Lawrence Estuary, eastern Canada: centennial- to millennial-scale geomagnetic modulation of cosmogenic isotopes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 209, 113-130. GEOTOP publication n° 2003-0010.

St-Onge, G., Bilodeau, G., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Leduc, J., Mucci, A., Savard, J., Zhang, D., Mulder, T., Piper, D., Stoner, J., 2003. Physical, magnetic, sedimentological, geochemical, isotopic and micropaleontological features of rapidly deposited layers in the Saguenay Fjord, Québec: from 7200 cal BP to the 1996 AD flood layer, In: 2 International Symposium on Contaminated Sediments, Québec City. Symposium Preceedings, 103-108. GEOTOP publication n° 2003-0013.

St-Onge, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2001. Isotopic constraints of sedimentary inputs and organic carbon burial rates in the Saguenay Fjord, Quebec, Marine Geology, 176, 1-22. GEOTOP publication n° 2001-0008.

St-Onge, G. and Hillaire-Marcel, C. 2000. Inventaire des couches accidentelles récentes dans le fjord du Saguenay à partir des propriétés physiques de carottes de forages. 53rd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montréal. Conference preceedings : 145-151.

St-Onge, G., Leduc, J., Bilodeau, G., de Vernal, A., Devillers, R., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Loucheur, V., Marmen, S., Mucci, A. and Zhang, D. 1999. Caractérisation des sédiments récents du fjord du Saguenay à partir de traceurs physiques, géochimiques, isotopiques et micropaléontologiques. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 53 : 339-350.

Beauvais, Quentin : Maîtrise en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Sujet de recherche : Dynamique sédimentaire d’un site archéologique sous-marin.
Bompas, Romain : Doctorat en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Codirection : Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano
Sujet de recherche : Dynamique sédimentaire et paléocéanographie le long du détroit de M’Clure et le golfe d'Amundsen (Océan Arctique) depuis la dernière déglaciation
Brunet, Morgane : Stage postdoctoral
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Sujet de recherche : Glissements sous-marins et turbidites en Nouvelle-Zélande et au Japon.
Cretton, Naomi : Maîtrise en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Sujet de recherche : Séismes et tsunamis holocènes au Chili au cours de l’Holocène
Girard, Juliette : Doctorat en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Sujet de recherche : Paléomagnétisme arctique.
Jacques, Florian : Doctorat en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Codirection : Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano
Sujet de recherche : Dynamique sédimentaire de canyons.
Jamba , Marie-Eugénie : Doctorat en sciences de la Terre
Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Codirection : Pierre Francus
Sujet de recherche : Granulométrie des sédiments varvés et des IRD par micro-tomodensitométrie (µ-CT)
Kandachi-Toujas, Haluka : Maîtrise en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Codirection : El Mahdi Bendif, ISMER-UQAR
Sujet de recherche : Réponse de la biodiversité phytoplanctonique au réchauffement climatique dans l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent : évaluation des approches paléogénomiques
Le Ménec, Maëla : Doctorat en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Codirection : Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano
Sujet de recherche : Variabilité de la dynamique sédimentaire et des conditions océaniques de surface à proximité des glaciers qui drainent l'île de Devon (Nunavut, Canada) au cours de l'Holocène tardif
Rudbäck, Daniel : Doctorat en océanographie
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Sujet de recherche : Magnétostratigraphie de l’Arctique
Song, Tengfei : Stage postdoctoral
Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Codirection : Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano
Sujet de recherche : Bering Strait openings during warm intervals of the Late Quaternary