Claude Hillaire-Marcel


Traceurs et chronomètres isotopiques en géodynamique externe
Isotopic tracers & chronometers of surface Earth system

Université du Québec à Montréal
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère

hillaire-marcel.claude [at] (hillaire-marcel[dot]claude[at]uqam[dot]ca)

Mots clés : paléoclimatologie isotopique, géochimie isotopique aquatique et de l'environnement, changement global

"Isotopes et géodynamique externe" sont les fils conducteurs des activités tutoriales et de recherche de C. Hillaire-Marcel. Isotopes stables, radioactifs et radiogéniques sont utilisés pour décrypter les mécanismes qui gouvernent les changements du climat et de l’océan aux échelles de temps géologiques et récente. Des efforts parallèles pour comprendre leur comportement dans les environnements modernes sont ainsi requis.Les contributions de C. Hillaire-Marcel portent par suite sur problèmes environnementaux passés et modernes.

“Isotopes & Earth surface processes" are the unifying threads of C, Hillaire-Marcel's research and tutorial activities. Stable, radioactive and radiogenic isotopes are used to unravel mechanisms driving climate and ocean changes at recent to geological time scales. This requires parallel efforts towards understanding their behavior in modern environments. Thus, C. Hillaire-Marcel's contributions address both paleo- and modern environmental issues.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2020. EditorialQuaternary Science Reviews 250, 106689.
Carnero-Bravo, V., Sanchez-Cabeza, J.-A., Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Merino-Ibarra, M., Corcho-Alvarado, J.A., Sahli, H., Hélie, J.-F., Preda, M., Zavala-Hidalgo, J., Díaz-Asencio, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., 2018. Sea level rise sedimentary record and organic carbon fluxes in a low-lying tropical coastal ecosystem. CATENA 162, 421-430.

Bartels, M., Titschack, J., Fahl, K., Stein, R., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Hebbeln, D. Atlantic Water advection vs. glacier dynamics in northern Spitsbergen since early deglaciation (2017) Climate of the Past, 13 (12), 1717-1749.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., de Vernal, A., Maccali, J., Cuny, K., Jacobel, A., Le Duc, C., McManus, J. A New Chronology of Late Quaternary Sequences From the Central Arctic Ocean Based on “Extinction Ages” of Their Excesses in 231Pa and 230Th (2017) Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (12), 4573-4585.

Jackson, R., Carlson, A.E., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Wacker, L., Vogt, C., Kucera, M. Asynchronous instability of the North American-Arctic and Greenland ice sheets during the last deglaciation (2017) Quaternary Science Reviews, 164, 140-153.

Jennings, A.E., Andrews, J.T., Ó Cofaigh, C., Onge, G.S., Sheldon, C., Belt, S.T., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Ocean forcing of Ice Sheet retreat in central west Greenland from LGM to the early Holocene (2017) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 472, 1-13.

Ponte, J.M., Font, E., Veiga-Pires, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B. The effect of speleothem surface slope on the remanent magnetic inclination (2017) Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122 (6), 4143-4156.

Aubry, A.M.R., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. The “warm” Marine Isotope Stage 31 in the Labrador Sea: Low surface salinities and cold subsurface waters prevented winter convection (2016) Paleoceanography, 31 (9), 1206-1224.

Carnero-Bravo, V., Sanchez-Cabeza, J.-A., Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Merino-Ibarra, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Corcho-Alvarado, J.A., Röllin, S., Diaz-Asencio, M., Cardoso-Mohedano, J.-G., Zavala-Hidalgo, J. Sedimentary records of recent sea level rise and acceleration in the Yucatan Peninsula (2016) Science of the Total Environment, 573, 1063-1069.

Rosa, E., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Hélie, J.-F., Myre, A. Processes governing the stable isotope composition of water in the St. Lawrence river system, Canada (2016) Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 52 (4-5), 370-379.

Simon, Q., Thouveny, N., Bourlès, D.L., Nuttin, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., St-Onge, G. Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios and 10Be-fluxes (230Thxs-normalized) in central Baffin Bay sediments during the last glacial cycle: Paleoenvironmental implications (2016) Quaternary Science Reviews, 140, 142-162.

Van Nieuwenhove, N., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Bauch, H.A., De Vernal, A. Sea surface density gradients in the Nordic Seas during the Holocene as revealed by paired microfossil and isotope proxies (2016) Paleoceanography, 31 (3), 380-398.

Gibb, O.T., Steinhauer, S., Fréchette, B., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Diachronous evolution of sea surface conditions in the labrador sea and baffin bay since the last deglaciation (2015) Holocene, 25 (12), 1882-1897.

Govin, A., Capron, E., Tzedakis, P.C., Verheyden, S., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., St-Onge, G., Stoner, J.S., Bassinot, F., Bazin, L., Blunier, T., Combourieu-Nebout, N., El Ouahabi, A., Genty, D., Gersonde, R., Jimenez-Amat, P., Landais, A., Martrat, B., Masson-Delmotte, V., Parrenin, F., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Veres, D., Waelbroeck, C., Zahn, R. Sequence of events from the onset to the demise of the Last Interglacial: Evaluating strengths and limitations of chronologies used in climatic archives (2015) Quaternary Science Reviews, 129, 1-36.

Hoogakker, B.A., Hoogakker, B.A., McCave, I.N., Elderfield, H., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Simstich, J. Holocene climate variability in the labrador sea (2015) Journal of the Geological Society, 172 (2), 272-277.

Neves, B.M., Edinger, E., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Saucier, E.H., France, S.C., Treble, M.A., Wareham, V.E. Deep-water bamboo coral forests in a muddy Arctic environment (2015) Marine Biodiversity, 45 (4), 867-871.

Nuttin, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C. U- and Th-series isotopes in deep Baffin Bay sediments: Tracers of detrital sources and of contrasted glacial/interglacial sedimentary processes (2015) Marine Geology, 361, 1-10.

Nuttin, L., Maccali, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C. U, Th and Pa insights into sedimentological and paleoceanographic changes off Hudson Strait (Labrador Sea) during the last ~37ka with special attention to methodological issues (2015) Quaternary Science Reviews, 115, 39-49.

Pearce, C., Andrews, J.T., Bouloubassi, I., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Jennings, A.E., Olsen, J., Kuijpers, A., Seidenkrantz, M.-S. Heinrich 0 on the east Canadian margin: Source, distribution, and timing (2015) Paleoceanography, 30 (12), 1613-1624.

Stevenson, R., Poirier, A., Véron, A., Carignan, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Late Eocene to present isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb) and geochemical evolution of sediments from the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean: Implications for continental sources and linkage with the North Atlantic Ocean (2015) Comptes Rendus - Geoscience, 347 (5-6), 227-235.

Carboni, S., Lecca, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B. MIS 5e at San Giovanni di Sinis (Sardinia, Italy): Stratigraphy, U/Th dating and "eustatic" inferences (2014) Quaternary International, 328-329 (1), 21-30.

Gibb, O.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A. Oceanographic regimes in the northwest Labrador Sea since Marine Isotope Stage 3 based on dinocyst and stable isotope proxy records (2014) Quaternary Science Reviews, 92, 269-279.

Ouellet-Bernier, M.-M., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Moros, M. Paleoceanographic changes in the Disko Bugt area, West Greenland, during the Holocene (2014) Holocene, 24 (11), 1573-1583.

Simon, Q., Hillaire-Marcel, C., St-Onge, G., Andrews, J.T. North-eastern Laurentide, western Greenland and southern Innuitian ice stream dynamics during the last glacial cycle (2014) Journal of Quaternary Science, 29 (1), 14-26.

Brennan, C.E., Meissner, K.J., Eby, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Weaver, A.J. Impact of sea ice variability on the oxygen isotope content of seawater under glacial and interglacial conditions (2013) Paleoceanography, 28 (3), 388-400.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Rochon, A., Fréchette, B., Henry, M., Solignac, S., Bonnet, S. Dinocyst-based reconstructions of sea ice cover concentration during the Holocene in the Arctic Ocean, the northern North Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews, 79, 111-121.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Solignac, S., Radi, T., Rochon, A. Reconstructing Sea Ice Conditions in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Prior to Human Observations (2013) Arctic Sea Ice Decline: Observations, Projections, Mechanisms, and Implications, 27-45.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Maccali, J., Not, C., Poirier, A. Geochemical and isotopic tracers of Arctic sea ice sources and export with special attention to the Younger Dryas interval (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews, 79, 184-190.

Maccali, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Carignan, J., Reisberg, L.C. Geochemical signatures of sediments documenting Arctic sea-ice and water mass export through Fram Strait since the Last Glacial Maximum (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews, 64, 136-151.

Nuttin, L., Francus, P., Preda, M., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Authigenic, detrital and diagenetic minerals in the Laguna Potrok Aike sediment sequence (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews, 71, 109-118.

Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Dabrio, C.J., Lario, J., González-Delgado, J.A., Bardají, T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Cabero, A., Ghaleb, B., Borja, F., Silva, P.G., Roquero, E., Soler, V. Retracing the Quaternary history of sea-level changes in the Spanish Mediterranean-Atlantic coasts: Geomorphological and sedimentological approach (2013) Geomorphology, 196, 36-49.

Channell, J.E.T., Hodell, D.A., Romero, O., Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A., Stoner, J.S., Mazaud, A., Röhl, U. A 750-kyr detrital-layer stratigraphy for the North Atlantic (IODP Sites U1302-U1303, Orphan Knoll, Labrador Sea) (2012) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 317-318, 218-230.

Maccali, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Carignan, J., Reisberg, L.C. Pb isotopes and geochemical monitoring of Arctic sedimentary supplies and water mass export through Fram Strait since the Last Glacial Maximum (2012) Paleoceanography, 27 (1), art. no. PA1201, .

Nicholl, J.A.L., Hodell, D.A., Naafs, B.D.A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Channell, J.E.T., Romero, O.E. A Laurentide outburst flooding event during the last interglacial period (2012) Nature Geoscience, 5 (12), 901-904.

Not, C., Brown, K., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Conservative behavior of uranium vs. salinity in Arctic sea ice and brine (2012) Marine Chemistry, 130-131, 33-39.

Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Enhanced sea-ice export from the Arctic during the Younger Dryas (2012) Nature Communications, 3, art. no. 647, .

Refsnider, K.A., Miller, G.H., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Fogel, M.L., Ghaleb, B., Bowden, R. Subglacial carbonates constrain basal conditions and oxygen isotopic composition of the Laurentide Ice Sheet over Arctic Canada (2012) Geology, 40 (2), 135-138.

Rosa, E., Gaillardet, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Hélie, J.-F., Richard, L.-F. Rock denudation rates and organic carbon exports along a latitudinal gradient in the Hudson, James, and Ungava bays watershed (2012) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 49 (6), 742-757.

Rosa, E., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Dick, T.A. Environmental and seasonal controls on riverine dissolved uranium in the Hudson, James, and Ungava bays region, Canada (2012) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 49 (6), 758-771.

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Sanchez-Cabeza, J.-A., Alonso-Hernández, C., Martínez-Herrera, V., Pérez-Bernal, L.H., Preda, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Gastaud, J., Quejido-Cabezas, A.J. Effects of land use change and sediment mobilization on coastal contamination (Coatzacoalcos River, Mexico) (2012) Continental Shelf Research, 37, 57-65.

Simon, Q., St-Onge, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Late Quaternary chronostratigraphic framework of deep Baffin Bay glaciomarine sediments from high-resolution paleomagnetic data (2012) Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 (1), art. no. Q0AO03, .

Zamelczyk, K., Rasmussen, T.L., Husum, K., Haflidason, H., de Vernal, A., Ravna, E.K., Hald, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Paleoceanographic changes and calcium carbonate dissolution in the central Fram Strait during the last 20ka (2012) Quaternary Research (United States), 78 (3), 405-416.

Dabrio, C.J., Zazo, C., Cabero, A., Goy, J.L., Bardají, T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., González-Delgado, J.A., Lario, J., Silva, P.G., Borja, F., García-Blázquez, A.M. Millennial/submillennial-scale sea-level fluctuations in western Mediterranean during the second highstand of MIS 5e (2011) Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (3-4), 335-346.

Genovesi, L., de Vernal, A., Thibodeau, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mucci, A., Gilbert, D. Recent changes in bottom water oxygenation and temperature in the gulf of st. Lawrence: Micropaleontological and geochemical evidence (2011) Limnology and Oceanography, 56 (4), 1319-1329.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Foraminifera isotopic records⋯ with special attention to high northern latitudes and the impact of sea-ice distillation processes (2011) IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 14 (1), art. no. 012009.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A., McKay, J. Foraminifer isotope study of the Pleistocene Labrador Sea, northwest North Atlantic (IODP Sites 1302/03 and 1305), with emphasis on paleoceanographical differences between its "inner" and "outer" basins (2011) Marine Geology, 279 (1-4), 188-198.

Hoogakker, B.A.A., Chapman, M.R., McCave, I.N., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ellison, C.R.W., Hall, I.R., Telford, R.J. Dynamics of North Atlantic Deep Water masses during the Holocene (2011) Paleoceanography, 26 (4), art. no. PA4214.

Poirier, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Improved Os-isotope stratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean (2011) Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (14), art. no. L14607.

Bonnet, S., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Radi, T., Husum, K. Variability of sea-surface temperature and sea-ice cover in the Fram Strait over the last two millennia (2010) Marine Micropaleontology, 74 (3-4), 59-74.

Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel Claude, C. Time constraints from 230Th and 231Pa data in late Quaternary, low sedimentation rate sequences from the Arctic Ocean: An example from the northern Mendeleev Ridge (2010) Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (25-26), 3665-3675.

Thibodeau, B., De Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mucci, A. Twentieth century warming in deep waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence: A unique feature of the last millennium (2010) Geophysical Research Letters, 37 (17), art. no. L17604, .

Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Dabrio, C.J., González-Delgado, J.A., Cabero, A., Bardají, T., Ghaleb, B., Soler, V. Sea level changes during the last and present interglacials in Sal Island (Cape Verde archipelago) (2010) Global and Planetary Change, 72 (4), 302-317.

Bardají, T., Goy, J.L., Zazo, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Dabrio, C.J., Cabero, A., Ghaleb, B., Silva, P.G., Lario, J. Sea level and climate changes during OIS 5e in the Western Mediterranean (2009) Geomorphology, 104 (1-2), 22-37.

Bardají, T., Goy, J.L., Zazo, C., Hillaire-Marcel, Cl., Dabrio, C.J., Cabero, A., Ghaleb, B., Silva, P.G., Lario, J. Reply to the comments by Mauz, B. and Antonioli, F. on "Sea Level and Climate Changes during OIS 5e in the Western Mediterranean" (2009) Geomorphology, 110 (3-4), 231-235.

Poirier, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Os-isotope insights into major environmental changes of the Arctic Ocean during the Cenozoic (2009) Geophysical Research Letters, 36 (11), art. no. L11602, .

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Frignani, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Arvizu, M.D., Raygoza-Viera, J.R., Páez-Osuna, F. Trace metals (Cd, Cu, Hg, and Pb) accumulation recorded in the intertidal mudflat sediments of three coastal lagoons in the gulf of california, mexico (2009) Estuaries and Coasts, 32 (3), 551-564.

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. 210Pb-derived ages for the reconstruction of terrestrial contaminant history into the Mexican Pacific coast: Potential and limitations (2009) Marine Pollution Bulletin, 59 (4-7), 134-145.

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A., Machain-Castillo, M.L., Vásquez, L., Ghaleb, B., Aspiazu-Fabián, J.A., Páez-Osuna, F. Changes of coastal sedimentation in the Gulf of Tehuantepec, South Pacific Mexico, over the last 100 years from short-lived radionuclide measurements (2009) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 82 (3), 525-536.

Waelbroeck, C., Paul, A., Kucera, M., Rosell-Melé, A., Weinelt, M., Schneider, R., Mix, A.C., Abelmann, A., Armand, L., Bard, E., Barker, S., Barrows, T.T., Benway, H., Cacho, I., Chen, M.-T., Cortijo, E., Crosta, X., De Vernal, A., Dokken, T., Duprat, J., Elderfield, H., Eynaud, F., Gersonde, R., Hayes, A., Henry, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Huang, C.-C., Jansen, E., Juggins, S., Kallel, N., Kiefer, T., Kienast, M., Labeyrie, L., Leclaire, H., Londeix, L., Mangin, S., Matthiessen, J., Marret, F., Meland, M., Morey, A.E., Mulitza, S., Pflaumann, U., Pisias, N.G., Radi, T., Rochon, A., Rohling, E.J., Sbaffi, L., Schäfer-Neth, C., Solignac, S., Spero, H., Tachikawa, K., Turon, J.-L. Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum (2009) Nature Geoscience, 2 (2), 127-132.

Ávila, S.P., Madeira, P., Mendes, N., Rebelo, A., Medeiros, A., Gomes, C., García-Talavera, F., Da Silva, C.M., Cachão, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Frias Martins, A.M. Mass extinctions in the Azores during the last glaciation: Fact or myth? (2008) Journal of Biogeography, 35 (6), 1123-1129.

Carignan, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A. Arctic vs. North Atlantic water mass exchanges in Fram Strait from Pb isotopes in sediments (2008) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45 (11), 1253-1263.

Carlson, A.E., Stoner, J.S., Donnelly, J.P., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Response of the southern Greenland Ice Sheet during the last two deglaciations (2008) Geology, 36 (5), 359-362.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Natural variability of Greenland climate, vegetation, and ice volume during the past million years (2008) Science, 320 (5883), 1622-1625.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Solignac, S., Radi, T., Rochon, A. Reconstructing sea ice conditions in the arctic and sub-arctic prior to human observations (2008) Geophysical Monograph Series, 180, 27-45.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Decadal- to millennial-scale variability of Arctic-Subarctic Oceans and adjacent lands: A contribution of the polar climate stability network of Canada to the international polar year [Variabilité décennale à millénaire des Océans Arctiques et Sub-Arctiques et des terres adjacentes: Une contribution du réseau d'étude de la stabilité du climat polaire du Canada à l'année polaire internationale] (2008) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45 (11), 1199-1205.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A. Comment on "mixed-layer deepening during Heinrich events: A multi-planktonic foraminiferal δ18O approach" (2008) Science, 320 (5880), 1161a.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A. Stable isotope clue to episodic sea ice formation in the glacial North Atlantic (2008) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 268 (1-2), 143-150.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Hélie, J.-F., McKay, J., De Vernal, A. Elusive isotopic properties of deglacial meltwater spikes into the north Atlantic: Example of the final drainage of Lake Agassiz (2008) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45 (11), 1235-1242.

McKay, J.L., De Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Not, C., Polyak, L., Darby, D. Holocene fluctuations in Arctic sea-ice cower: Dinocyst-based reconstructions for the eastern Chukchi Sea (2008) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45 (11), 1377-1397.

Not, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Polyak, L., Darby, D. 210Pb-226Ra-230Th systematics in very low sedimentation rate sediments from the Mendeleev Ridge (Arctic Ocean) (2008) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45 (11), 1207-1219.

Peltier, W.R., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Rapid climate change and Arctic Ocean freshening: Reply (2008) Geology, 36 (1), e178.

Stevenson, R.K., Meng, X.W., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Impact of melting of the laurentide Ice Sheet on sediments from the upper continental slope off southeastern Canada: Ewidence from Sm-Nd isotopes (2008) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45 (11), 1243-1252.

Vásquez-Bedoya, L.F., Radi, T., Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., de Vernal, A., Machain-Castillo, M.L., Kielt, J.F., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts and benthic foraminifera in coastal sediments of the last century from the Gulf of Tehuantepec, South Pacific Coast of Mexico (2008) Marine Micropaleontology, 68 (1-2), 49-65.

Carolina Ruiz-Fernández, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Páez-Osuna, F., Ghaleb, B., Caballero, M. 210Pb chronology and trace metal geochemistry at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, as evidenced by a sedimentary record from the Lago Verde crater lake (2007) Quaternary Research, 67 (2), 181-192.

Evans, H.F., Channell, J.E.T., Stoner, J.S., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Wright, J.D., Neitzke, L.C., Mountain, G.S. Paleointensity-assisted chronostratigraphy of detrital layers on the Eirik Drift (North Atlantic) since marine isotope stage 11 (2007) Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8 (11), art. no. Q11007, .

Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A. Introduction Methods in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography: Introduction (2007) Developments in Marine Geology, 1, 1-15.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A., Piper, D.J.W. Lake Agassiz Final drainage event in the northwest North Atlantic (2007) Geophysical Research Letters, 34 (15), art. no. L15601, .

Kim, S.-T., O'Neil, J.R., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mucci, A. Oxygen isotope fractionation between synthetic aragonite and water: Influence of temperature and Mg2+ concentration (2007) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71 (19), 4704-4715.

Ravelo, A.C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Chapter Eighteen The Use of Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes of Foraminifera in Paleoceanography (2007) Developments in Marine Geology, 1, 735-764.

Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Dabrio, C.J., Soler, V., Hillaire-Marcel, Cl., Ghaleb, B., González-Delgado, J.A., Bardají, T., Cabero, A. Quaternary marine terraces on Sal Island (Cape Verde archipelago) (2007) Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 (7-8), 876-893.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Provincialism in trends and high frequency changes in the northwest North Atlantic during the Holocene (2006) Global and Planetary Change, 54 (3-4), 263-290.

de Vernal, A., Rosell-Melé, A., Kucera, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Eynaud, F., Weinelt, M., Dokken, T., Kageyama, M. Comparing proxies for the reconstruction of LGM sea-surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic (2006) Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 (21-22), 2820-2834.

Fagel, N., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Glacial/interglacial instabilities of the Western Boundary Under Current during the last 365 kyr from Sm/Nd ratios of the sedimentary clay-size fractions at ODP site 646 (Labrador Sea) (2006) Marine Geology, 232 (1-2), 87-99.

Fisher, D., Dyke, A., Koerner, R., Bourgeois, J., Kinnard, C., Zdanowicz, C., de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Savelle, J., Rochon, A. Natural variability of Arctic sea ice over the Holocene (2006) Eos, 87 (28), 273-275.

Goy, J.L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Zazo, C., Ghaleb, B., Dabrio, C.J., González, Á., Bardají, T., Civis, J., Preda, M., Yébenes, A., Forte, A.M. Further evidence for a relatively high sea level during the penultimate interglacial: Open-system U-series ages from La Marina (Alicante, East Spain) (2006) Geodinamica Acta, 19 (6), 409-426.

Hélie, J.-F., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Sources of particulate and dissolved organic carbon in the St Lawrence River: Isotopic approach (2006) Hydrological Processes, 20 (9), 1945-1959.

Kim, S.-T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mucci, A. Mechanisms of equilibrium and kinetic oxygen isotope effects in synthetic aragonite at 25 °C (2006) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70 (23 SPEC. ISS.), 5790-5801.

de Vernal, A., Eynaud, F., Henry, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Londeix, L., Mangin, S., Matthiessen, J., Marret, F., Radi, T., Rochon, A., Solignac, S., Turon, J.-L. Reconstruction of sea-surface conditions at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages (2005) Quaternary Science Reviews, 24 (7-9 SPEC. ISS.), 897-924.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Darby, D.A. Variability of sea ice cover in the Chukchi Sea (western Arctic Ocean) during the Holocene (2005) Paleoceanography, 20 (4), .

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Genty, D. Tropical response to the 8200 yr B.P. cold event? Speleothem isotopes indicate a weakened early Holocene monsoon in Costa Rica: Comment (2005) Geology, 33 (1), e80.

Pons-Branchu, E., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Deschamps, P., Ghaleb, B., Sinclair, D.J. Early diagenesis impact on precise U-series dating of deep-sea corals: Example of a 100-200-year old Lophelia pertusa sample from the northeast Atlantic (2005) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69 (20), 4865-4879.

Caron, A., Lavoie, C., Péronnet, F., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Massicotte, D. Oxidation of [13C]glucose ingested before and/or during prolonged exercise (2004) European Journal of Applied Physiology, 91 (2-3), 217-223.

Cottet-Puinel, M., Weaver, A.J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A., Clark, P.U., Eby, M. Variation of Labrador Sea Water formation over the Last Glacial cycle in a climate model of intermediate complexity (2004) Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (3-4), 449-465.

Deschamps, P., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Michelot, J.-L., Doucelance, R., Ghaleb, B., Buschaert, S. 234U/238U disequilibrium along stylolitic discontinuities in deep Mesozoic limestone formations of the Eastern Paris basin: Evidence for discrete uranium mobility over the last 1-2 million years (2004) Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8 (1), 35-46.

Fagel, N., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Humblet, M., Brasseur, R., Weis, D., Stevenson, R. Nd and Pb isotope signatures of the clay-size fraction of Labrador Sea sediments during the Holocene: Implications for the inception of the modern deep circulation pattern (2004) Paleoceanography, 19 (3), PA3002 1-16.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A., Polyak, L., Darby, D. Size-dependent isotopic composition of planktic foraminifers from Chukchi Sea vs. NW Atlantic sediments - Implications for the Holocene paleoceanography of the western Arctic (2004) Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (3-4), 245-260.

Soler, V., Castro-Almazan, J.A., Vinas, R.T., Eff-Darwich, A., Sánchez-Moral, S., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Farrujia, I., Coello, J., de la Nuez, J., Martín, M.C., Quesada, M.L., Santana, E. High CO2 levels in boreholes at El Teide Volcano complex (Tenerife, Canary Islands): Implications for volcanic activity monitoring (2004) Pure and Applied Geophysics, 161 (7), 1519-1532.

Solignac, S., De Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Holocene sea-surface conditions in the North Atlantic - Contrasted trends and regimes in the western and eastern sectors (Labrador Sea vs. Iceland Basin) (2004) Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (3-4), 319-334.

St.-Onge, G., Mulder, T., Piper, D.J.W., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Stoner, J.S. Earthquake and flood-induced turbidites in the Saguenay Fjord (Québec): A Holocene paleoseismicity record (2004) Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (3-4), 283-294.

Weaver, A.J., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Global Warming and the Next Ice Age (2004) Science, 304 (5669), 400-402.

Weaver, A.J., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Ice growth in the greenhouse: A seductive paradox but unrealistic scenario (2004) Geoscience Canada, 31 (2), 77-85.

Kellman, L.M., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Evaluation of nitrogen isotopes as indicators of nitrate contamination sources in an agricultural watershed (2003) Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 95 (1), 87-102.

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Páez-Osuna, F., Ghaleb, B., Soto-Jiménez, M. Historical trends of metal pollution recorded in the sediments of the Culiacan River Estuary, Northwestern Mexico (2003) Applied Geochemistry, 18 (4), 577-588.

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Páez-Osuna, F., Soto-Jiménez, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B. The loading history of trace metals and nutrients in Altata-Ensenada del Pabellón, lagoon complex, northwestern Mexico (2003) Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 69 (1-2), 129-143.

St-Onge, G., Stoner, J.S., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Holocene paleomagnetic records from the St. Lawrence Estuary, eastern Canada: Centennial- to millennial-scale geomagnetic modulation of cosmogenic isotopes (2003) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 209 (1-2), 113-130.

Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Dabrio, C.J., Bardají, T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., González-Delgado, J.-Á., Soler, V. Pleistocene raised marine terraces of the Spanish Mediterranean and Atlantic Coasts: Records of coastal uplift, sea-level highstands and climate changes (2003) Marine Geology, 194 (1-2), 103-133.

Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., González Delgado, J.A., Soler, V., Ghaleb, B., Dabrio, C.J. Record of Quaternary sea level changes in the Western Canary Islands (Tenerife and La Palma). [Registro de los cambios del nivel del mar durante el cuaternario en las Islas Canarias Occidentales (Tenerife y La Palma)] (2003) Estudios Geologicos, 59 (1-4), 133-144.

Couture, S., Massicotte, D., Lavoie, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Péronnet, F. Oral [13C]glucose and endogenous energy substrate oxidation during prolonged treadmill running (2002) Journal of Applied Physiology, 92 (3), 1255-1260.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Peltier, W.R., Weaver, A.J. Structure of the upper water column in the northwest North Atlantic: Modern versus Last Glacial Maximum conditions (2002) Paleoceanography, 17 (4), 2-1.

Fagel, N., Innocent, C., Gariepy, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Sources of Labrador Sea sediments since the last glacial maximum inferred from Nd-Pb isotopes (2002) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66 (14), 2569-2581.

Hamel, D., Vernal, A.D., Gosselin, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Organic-walled microfossils and geochemical tracers: Sedimentary indicators of productivity changes in the North Water and northern Baffin Bay during the last centuries (2002) Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49 (22-23), 5277-5295.

Hélie, J.-F., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Rondeau, B. Seasonal changes in the sources and fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon through the St. Lawrence River - Isotopic and chemical constraint (2002) Chemical Geology, 186 (1-2), 117-138.

Korach-André, M., Burelle, Y., Péronnet, F., Massicotte, D., Lavoie, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Differential metabolic fate of the carbon skeleton and amino-N of [13C]alanine and [15N]alanine ingested during prolonged exercise (2002) Journal of Applied Physiology, 93 (2), 499-504.

Labonne, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Goy, J.-L. Multi-isotopic age assessment of dirty speleothem calcite: An example from Altamira Cave, Spain (2002) Quaternary Science Reviews, 21 (8-9), 1099-1110.

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Soto-Jiménez, M., Páez-Osuna, F. Recent sedimentary history of anthropogenic impacts on the Culiacan River Estuary, northwestern Mexico: Geochemical evidence from organic matter and nutrients (2002) Environmental Pollution, 118 (3), 365-377.

Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Gillot, P.-Y., Soler, V., González, J.A., Dabrio, C.J., Ghaleb, B. Raised marine sequences of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura revisited - A reappraisal of relative sea-level changes and vertical movements in the eastern Canary Islands during the Quaternary (2002) Quaternary Science Reviews, 21 (18-19), 2019-2046.

Burelle, Y., Massicotte, D., Lussier, M., Lavoie, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Péronnet, F. Oxidation of [13C]glycerol ingested along with glucose during prolonged exercise (2001) Journal of Applied Physiology, 90 (5), 1685-1690.

Darby, D., Bischof, J., Cutter, G., De Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Dwyer, G., McManus, J., Osterman, L., Polyak, L., Poore, R. New record shows pronounced changes in Arctic Ocean circulation and climate (2001) Eos, 82 (49), 601-607.

Folch, N., Péronnet, F., Massicotte, D., Duclos, M., Lavoie, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Metabolic response to small and large 13C-labelled pasta meals following rest or exercise in man (2001) British Journal of Nutrition, 85 (6), 671-680.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A., Bilodeau, G., Weaver, A.J. Absence of deep-water formation in the Labrador Sea during the last interglacial period (2001) Nature, 410 (6832), 1073-1077.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A., Candon, L., Bilodeau, G., Stoner, J. Changes of potential density gradients in the Northwestern north Atlantic during the last climatic cycle based on a multiproxy approach (2001) Geophysical Monograph Series, 126, 83-100.

Occhietti, S., Chartier, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Cournoyer, M., Cumbaa, S.L., Harington, C.R. Champlain sea paleoenvironments in the Québec City area, 11 300-9750 BP: The Saint-Nicolas site (Québec) [Paléoenvironnements de la Mer de Champlain dans la Région de Québec, Entre 11 300 et 9750 BP : Le Site de Saint-Nicolas] (2001) Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 55 (1), 23-46.

Ruiz-Fernandez, A.C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Paez-Osuna, F., Soto-Jimenez, M. Isotopic constraints (210Pb, 228Th) on the sedimentary dynamics of contaminated sediments from a subtropical coastal lagoon (NW Mexico) (2001) Environmental Geology, 41 (1-2), 74-89.

Ruiz-Fernández, A.C., Páez-Osuna, F., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Soto-Jiménez, M., Ghaleb, B. Principal component analysis applied to the assessment of metal pollution from urban wastes in the Culiacán river estuary (2001) Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 67 (5), 741-748.

St-Onge, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Isotopic constraints of sedimentary inputs and organic carbon burial rates in the Saguenay Fjord, Quebec (2001) Marine Geology, 176 (1-4), 1-22.

Weber, M.E., Mayer, L.A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Bilodeau, G., Rack, F., Hiscott, R.N., Aksu, A.E. Derivation of δ18O from sediment core log data: Implications for millennial-scale climate change in the Labrador Sea (2001) Paleoceanography, 16 (5), 503-514.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Sea-ice cover, sea-surface salinity and halo-/thermocline structure of the northwest North Atlantic: Modern versus full glacial conditions (2000) Quaternary Science Reviews, 19 (1-5), 65-85.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Turon, J.-L., Matthiessen, J. Reconstruction of sea-surface temperature, salinity, and sea-ice cover in the northern North Atlantic during the last glacial maximum based on dinocyst assemblages (2000) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 37 (5), 725-750.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Bilodeau, G. Instabilities in the Labrador Sea water mass structure during the last climatic cycle (2000) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 37 (5), 795-809.

Innocent, C., Fagel, N., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Sm-Nd isotope systematics in deep-sea sediments: Clay-size versus coarser fractions (2000) Marine Geology, 168 (1-4), 79-87.

Labonne, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Geochemical gradients within modern and fossil shells of Concholepas concholepas from Northern Chile: An insight into U-Th systematics and diagenetic/authigenic isotopic imprints in mollusk shells (2000) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 64 (9), 1523-1534.

Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Kissel, C. Geomagnetic paleointensity and environmental record from Labrador Sea core MD95-2024: Global marine sediment and ice core chronostratigraphy for the last 110 kyr (2000) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 183 (1-2), 161-177.

Aucour, A.-M., Bonnefille, R., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Sources and accumulation rates of organic carbon in an equatorial peat bog (Burundi, East Africa) during the Holocene: Carbon isotope constraints (1999) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 150 (3-4), 179-189.

Barber, D.C., Dyke, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Jennings, A.E., Andrews, J.T., Kerwin, M.W., Bilodeau, G., McNeely, R., Southon, J., Morehead, M.D., Gagnon, J.-M. Forcing of the cold event of 8,200 years ago by catastrophic drainage of Laurentide lakes (1999) Nature, 400 (6742), 344-348.

Burelle, Y., Péronnet, F., Charpentier, S., Lavoie, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Massicotte, D. Oxidation of an oral [13C]glucose load at rest and prolonged exercise in trained and sedentary subjects (1999) Journal of Applied Physiology, 86 (1), 52-60.

Clarke, G.K.C., Marshall, S.J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Bilodeau, G., Veiga-Pires, C. A glaciological perspective on heinrich events (1999) Geophysical Monograph Series, 112, 243-262.

Fagel, N., Innocent, C., Stevenson, R.K., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Deep circulation changes in the Labrador Sea since the last glacial maximum: New constraints from Sm-Nd data on sediments (1999) Paleoceanography, 14 (6), 777-788.

Muzuka, A.N.N., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Burial rates of organic matter along the eastern Canadian margin and stable isotope constraints on its origin and diagenetic evolution (1999) Marine Geology, 160 (3-4), 251-270.

Panteleev, N., Péronnet, F., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Lavoie, C., Massicotte, D. Carbon isotope fractionation between blood and expired CO2 at rest and exercise (1999) Respiration Physiology, 116 (1), 77-83.

St-Onge, G., Leduc, J., Bilodeau, G., De Vernal, A., Devillers, R., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Loucheur, V., Marmen, S., Mucci, A., Zhang, D. Characterization of recent Saguenay Fjord (Quebec) sediments based on physical, geochemical, isotopic and micro-paleontological tracers [Caracterisation des sediments recents du Fjord du Saguenay (Quebec) a partir de traceurs physiques, geochimiques, isotopiques et micropaleontologiques] (1999) Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 53 (3), 339-350.

Subally, D., Bilodeau, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Tamrat, E., Ferry, S., Debard, E. Cyclic climatic records during the Olduvai subchron (Uppermost Pliocene) on Zakynthos Island (Ionian sea) (1999) Geobios, 32 (6), 793-803.

Veiga-Pires, C.C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. U and Th isotope constraints on the duration of Heinrich events H0-H4 in the southeastern Labrador Sea (1999) Paleoceanography, 14 (2), 187-199.

Zazo, C., Silva, P.G., Goy, J.L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Lario, J., Bardají, T., González, A. Coastal uplift in continental collision plate boundaries: Data from the Last Interglacial marine terraces of the Gibraltar Strait area (south Spain) (1999) Tectonophysics, 301 (1-2), 95-109.

Joffroy, M.E., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Dever, L. Thermal ionization mass spectrometry measurements of Ra-226 and U isotopes in soils, surface and groundwaters. Analytical aspects and pore water-matrix interactions revisited (1998) Isotope techniques in the study of environmental change. Proceedings of a symposium, Vienna, April 1997., 727-743.

Kellman, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Nitrate cycling in streams: Using natural abundances of NO3/--δ15N to measure in-situ denitrification (1998) Biogeochemistry, 43 (3), 273-292.

Péronnet, F., Rhéaume, N., Lavoie, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Massicotte, D. Oral [13C]glucose oxidation during prolonged exercise after high- and low-carbohydrate diets (1998) Journal of Applied Physiology, 85 (2), 723-730.

Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C. A 200 ka geomagnetic chronostratigraphy for the Labrador Sea: indirect correlation of the sediment record to SPECMAP (1998) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 159 (3-4), 165-181.

Burelle, Y., Péronnet, F., Massicotte, D., Brisson, G.R., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Oxidation of 13C-glucose and 13C-fructose ingested as a preexercise meal: Effect of carbohydrate ingestion during exercise (1997) International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 7 (2), 117-127.

Carignan, J., Gariépy, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Hydrothermal fluids during Mesozoic reactivation of the St. Lawrence rift system, Canada: C, O, Sr and Pb isotopic characterization (1997) Chemical Geology, 137 (1-2), 1-21.

DeVries, T.J., Ortlieb, L., Diaz, A., Wells, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Wells, L.E., Noller, J.S., Sandweiss, D.H., Richardson III, J.B., Reitz, E.J., Rollins, H.B., Maasch, K.A. Determining the early history of El Nino (1997) Science, 276 (5314), 965-967.

Fagel, N., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Robert, C. Changes in the Western Boundary Undercurrent Outflow since the Last Glacial Maximum, from smectite/illite ratios in deep Labrador Sea sediments (1997) Paleoceanography, 12 (1), 79-96.

Girard, P., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Determining the source of nitrate pollution in the niger discontinuous aquifers using the natural 15N/14N ratios (1997) Journal of Hydrology, 199 (3-4), 239-251.

Girard, P., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Oga, M.S. Determining the recharge mode of sahelian aquifers using water isotopes (1997) Journal of Hydrology, 197 (1-4), 189-202. de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Researchers look for links among paleoclimate events (1997) Eos, 78 (24), 247+249.

Innocent, C., Fagel, N., Stevenson, R.K., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Sm-Nd signature of modern and late Quaternary sediments from the northwest North Atlantic: Implications for deep current changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (1997) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 146 (3-4), 607-625.

Péronnet, F., Burelle, Y., Massicotte, D., Lavoie, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Respective oxidation of 13C-labeled lactate and glucose ingested simultaneously during exercise (1997) Journal of Applied Physiology, 82 (2), 440-446.

Zazo, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Goy, J.L., Ghaleb, B., Hoyos, M. Changes in sea level and climate in the last 250 Ky: (eastern Canaries, Spain) [Cambios del nivel del mar-clima en los ultimos 250 Ka: (Canarias orientales, Espana)] (1997) Boletin Geologico y Minero, 108 (4-5), 487-497.

Zazo, C., Hillaire-Marcel, Cl., Goy, J.L., Ghaleb, B., Hoyos, M. Cambios del nivel del mar-clima en los ultimos 250 ka: (canarias orientales, españa) (1997) Boletin Geologico y Minero, 108 (4-5), 159-169.

Aucour, A.-M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Bonnefille, R. Oxygen isotopes in cellulose from modern and Quaternary intertropical peatbogs: Implications for palaeohydrology (1996) Chemical Geology, 129 (3-4), 341-359.

Caron, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Lavoie, C., Massicotte, D., Trudeau, F., Péronnet, F. Oxidation of13C-glucose ingested before and/or during exercise (1996) FASEB Journal, 10 (3), A206.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Bilodeau, G. Reduced meltwater outflow from the Laurentide ice margin during the Younger Dryas (1996) Nature, 381 (6585), 774-777.

Fagel, N., Robert, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Clay mineral signature of the NW Atlantic Boundary Undercurrent (1996) Marine Geology, 130 (1-2), 19-28.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Gariépy, C., Ghaleb, B., Goy, J.-L., Zazo, C., Barcelo, J.C. U-series measurements in Tyrrhenian deposits from mallorca - Further evidence for two last-interglacial high sea levels in the Balearic Islands (1996) Quaternary Science Reviews, 15 (1), 53-62.

Kaufman, A., Ghaleb, B., Wehmiller, J.F., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Uranium concentration and isotope ratio profiles within Mercenaria shells: Geochronological implications (1996) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 60 (19), 3735-3746.

Massicotte, D., Péronnet, F., Bronsard, E., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Comparison of the oxidation rates of glucose, a mixture of glucose and fructose, and sucrose ingested in bolus or in fractionated doses during exercises (1996) Science and Sports, 11 (4), 233-242.

Massicotte, D., Péronnet, F., Tremblay, C., Bronsard, É., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Lack of Effect of NaCl and/or Metoclopramide on Exogenous (13C)-Glucose Oxidation during Exercise (1996) International Journal of Sports Medicine, 17 (3), 165-169.

Ortlieb, L., Zazo, C., Goy, J.L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Cournoyer, L. Coastal deformation and sea-level changes in the northern Chile subduction area (23°S) during the last 330 ky (1996) Quaternary Science Reviews, 15 (8-9), 819-831.

Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C. The magnetic signature of rapidly deposited detrital layers from the deep Labrador Sea: Relationship to North Atlantic Heinrich layers (1996) Paleoceanography, 11 (3), 309-325.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B., Gariépy, C., Zazo, C., Hoyos, M., Goy, J.-L. U-Series dating by the tims technique of land snails from paleosols in the canary islands (1995) Quaternary Research, 44 (2), 276-282.

Lucotte, M., Mucci, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Pichet, P., Grondin, A. Anthropogenic mercury enrichment in remote lakes of northern Québec (Canada) (1995) Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 80 (1-4), 467-476.

Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Late Pleistocene relative geomagnetic paleointensity from the deep Labrador Sea: Regional and global correlations (1995) Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 134 (3-4), 237-252.

Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Magnetic properties of deep-sea sediments off southwest Greenland: evidence for major differences between the last two deglaciations (1995) Geology, 23 (3), 241-244.

Wu, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Application of LP-ICP-MS to benthic foraminifers (1995) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59 (2), 409-414.

Adopo, E., Peronnet, F., Massicotte, D., Brisson, G.R., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Respective oxidation of exogenous glucose and fructose given in the same drink during exercise (1994) Journal of Applied Physiology, 76 (3), 1014-1019.

Aucour, A.-M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Bonnefille, R. Late quaternary biomass changes from 13c measurements in a highland peatbog from equatorial africa (burundi) (1994) Quaternary Research, 41 (2), 225-233.

Bilodeau, G., De Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages in Labrador Sea sediments: relations with deep-water mass changes since deglaciation (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 128-138.

Gariepy, C., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mucci, A., Vallieres, S. Early diagenetic processes in Labrador Sea sediments: uranium- isotope geochemistry (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 28-37.

Guoping Wu, Hillaire-Marcel, C. Accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon stratigraphies in deep Labrador Sea cores: paleoceanographic implications (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 38-47.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Productivity and flux of carbon in the Labrador Sea over the last 40 000 years [Productivite et flux de carbone dans la mer du Labrador au cours des derniers 40 000 ans] (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 139-158.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A., Bilodeau, G., Wu, G. Isotope stratigraphy, sedimentation rates, deep circulation, and carbonate events in the Labrador Sea during the last ~200 ka (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 63-89.

Lucotte, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Identification and distribution of the main water masses in the Labrador and Irminger seas [Identification et distribution des grandes masses d'eau dans les mers du Labrador et d'Irminger] (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 5-13.

Lucotte, M., Mucci, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Tran, S. Early diagenetic processes in deep Labrador Sea sediments; reactive and nonreactive iron and phosphorus (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 14-27.

Massicotte, D., Peronnet, F., Adopo, E., Brisson, G.R., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Effect of metabolic rate on the oxidation of ingested glucose and fructose during exercise (1994) International Journal of Sports Medicine, 15 (4), 177-180.

Stoner, J.S., Channell, J.E.T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mareschal, J.-C. High-resolution rock magnetic study of a late Pleistocene core from the Labrador Sea (1994) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31 (1), 104-114.

Wu, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Oxygen isotope compositions of sinistral Neogloboquadrina pachyderma tests in surface sediments: North Atlantic Ocean (1994) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58 (4), 1303-1312.

Causse, C., Luis Goy, J., Zazo, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Chronological potential (Th/U) of pleistocene mediterranean fauna: Marine terraces of murcia and alicante region, Southeastern Spain [Potentiel chronologique (Th/U) de faunes pléistocènes méditerranéennes: exemple des terrasses marines des régions de murcie et alicante (sud-est de l’espagne)] (1993) Geodinamica Acta, 6 (2), 121-134.

Goy, J.L., Zazo, C., Bardaji, T., Somoza, L., Causse, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Chronostratigraphical data from alicante-murcia region, South-Eastern Spain [Eléments d'une chronostratigraphie du tyrrhenien des regions d' alicante-murcie, sud-est de l'espagne] (1993) Geodinamica Acta, 6 (2), 103-119.

Kaufman, A., Magaritz, M., Paul, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Reply to comment by J.-Ch. Fontes and J.N. Andrews on "The 36Cl ages of the brines in the Magadi-Natron basin, East Africa" (1993) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57 (7), 1613-1617.

Massicotte, D., Provencher, S., Adopo, E., Peronnet, F., Brisson, G., Hillaire- Marcel, C. Oxidation of ethanol at rest and during prolonged exercise in men (1993) Journal of Applied Physiology, 75 (1), 329-333.

Peronnet, F., Adopo, E., Massicotte, D., Brisson, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Comparison of two methods for computing exogenous substrate oxidation using 13C labeling (1993) Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 25 (2), 297-302.

Peronnet, F., Adopo, E., Massicotte, D., Brisson, G.R., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Method for computing the oxidation of two 13C-substrates ingested simultaneously during exercise (1993) Journal of Applied Physiology, 75 (3), 1419-1422.

Vallieres, S., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ghaleb, B. Disequilibrium of U-Th in overburden deposits in the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec [Desequilibres U-Th dans les depots meubles des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent, Quebec] (1993) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 30 (8), 1730-1740.

Casanova, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Chronology and paleohydrology of late Quaternary high lake levels in the Manyara basin (Tanzania) from isotopic data (18O, 13C, 14C, Th U) on fossil stromatolites (1992) Quaternary Research, 38 (2), 205-226.

Casanova, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Late holocene hydrological history of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa, from isotopic data on fossil stromatolites (1992) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 91 (1-2), 35-48.

Goetz, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. U-series disequilibria in early diagenetic minerals from Lake Magadi sediments, Kenya: Dating potential (1992) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 56 (3), 1331-1341.

Peronnet, F., Adopo, E., Massicotte, D., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Exogenous substrate oxidation during exercise: Studies using isotopic labelling (1992) International Journal of Sports Medicine, 13 (SUPPL. 1), S123-S125.

de Vernal, A., Bilodeau, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Kassou, N. Quantitative assessment of carbonate dissolution in marine sediments from foraminifer linings vs. shell ratios: Davis Strait, northwest North Atlantic (1992) Geology, 20 (6), 527-530.

Massicotte, D., Peronnet, F., Brisson, G.R., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Oxidation of exogenous medium-chain free fatty acids during prolonged exercise: Comparison with glucose (1992) Journal of Applied Physiology, 73 (4), 1334-1339.

Massicotte, D., Péronnet, F., Adopo, E., Brisson, G.R., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Metabolic availability of oral glucose during exercise: A reassessment (1992) Metabolism, 41 (12), 1284-1290.

Ortlieb, L., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Machare, J., Pichet, P. Th/U disequilibria, allo/isoleucine ratios and 18O content of mollusc shells from Pleistocene littoral deposits of southern Peru: a basis for geochronological assessments [Desequilibres U/Th, rapports allo/isoleucine et teneurs en 18O des mollusques de depots littoraux pleistocenes du sud du Perou: une base d'appreciation chronostratigraphique] (1992) Comptes Rendus - Academie des Sciences, Serie II, 314 (1), 101-107.

Péronnet, F., Å Dopo, E., Massicotte, D., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Brisson, G.R. Response: Dear editor-in-chief (1992) Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 24 (9), 1066-1067.

Peronnet, F., Adopo, E., Massicotte, D., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Brisson, G.R., Guezennec, C.Y., Hawley, J.A., Dennis, S.C., Bosch, A.N., Noakes, T.D. Exogenous starch oxidation using 14C labeling [2] (1992) Journal of Applied Physiology, 73 (6), 2719-2722.

Peronnet, F., Adopo, E., Massicotte, D., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Brisson, G.R., Schoeller, D.A., Jarvis, J.K., Pearsall, D., Oliner, C.M. Letter to editor-in-chief [2] (1992) Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 24 (9), 1066-1068.

de Vernal, A., Miller, G.H., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Paleoenvironments of the last interglacial in northwest north atlantic region and adjacent mainland Canada (1991) Quaternary International, 10-12 (C), 95-106

Lefebvre, P.J., Mosora, F., Lacroix, M., Pirnay, F., Scheen, A., Krzentowski, G., Jandrain, B., Gautier, J.-F., Pallikarakis, N., Riou, J.-P., Normand, S., Pachiaudi, C., Khalsallah, Y., Peronnet, F., Massicotte, D., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Brisson, G. Use of 13C substrates for metabolic studies in exercise: Methodological considerations (1991) Journal of Applied Physiology, 71 (5), 2059-2061

Lucotte, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Louchouarn, P. First-order organic carbon budget in the St Lawrence Lower estuary from 13C data (1991) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 32 (3), 297-312

Williamson, D., Thouveny, N., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mondeguer, A., Taieb, M., Tiercelin, J.-J., Vincens, A. Chronological potential of palaeomagnetic oscillations recorded in late quaternary sediments from Lake Tanganyika (1991) Quaternary Science Reviews, 10 (4), 351-361

Kaufman, A., Margaritz, M., Paul, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Hollos, G., Boaretto, E., Taieb, M. The 36C1 ages of the brines in the Magadi-Natron basin, East Africa (1990) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54 (10), 2827-2833

Bilodeau, G., De Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Josenhans, H. Postglacial paleoceanography of Hudson Bay: stratigraphic, microfaunal, and palynological evidence (1990) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 27 (7), 946-963

Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Causse, C., Gariepy, C., Vallieres, S. Fractionation and recycling of U and Th isotopes in a semi-arid endoreic depression of central Syria (1990) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 54 (4), 1025-1035

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Aksu, A., Causse, C., de Vernal, A., Ghaleb, B. Response of Th/U in deep Labrador Sea sediments (ODP Site 646 to changes in sedimentation rates and paleoproductivities (1990) Geology, 18 (2), 162-165

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Vallieres, S., Ghaleb, B., Mareschal, J.-C. Th/U disequilibria in carbonate-rich soils of subarid areas; an assessment of U-fluxes and erosional rates. Examples of the Palmyra basin, Syria [Desequilibres Th/U dans les sols carbonates en climat subaride; estimation des flux d'uranium et vitesse d'erosion. Le cas du bassin de Palmyre (Syrie)] (1990) Comptes Rendus - Academie des Sciences, Serie II, 311 (1), 233-238

Peronnet, F., Massicotte, D., Brisson, G., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Use of 13C substrates for metabolic studies in exercise: Methodological considerations (1990) Journal of Applied Physiology, 69 (3), 1047-1052

Aksu, A.E., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Upper Miocene to Holocene oxygen and carbon isotopic stratigraphy of Sites 646 and 647, Labrador Sea (1989) Proc., scientific results, ODP, Leg 105, Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea, 689-704

Causse, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Thorium and uranium isotopes in upper Pleistocene sediments of ODP Sites 645 (Baffin Bay), 646, and 647 (Labrador Sea) (1989) Proc., scientific results, ODP, Leg 105, Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea, 551-560

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Aucour, A.-M., Bonnefille, R., Riollet, G., Vincens, A., Williamson, D. 13C/Palynological evidence of differential residence times of organic carbon prior to its sedimentation in East African Rift Lakes and peat bogs (1989) Quaternary Science Reviews, 8 (3), 207-212.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Causse, C. Th/U chronology of calcareous concretions of the varves of the glacial Lake Deschaillons, Lower Wisconsinian [Chronologie Th/U des concretions calcaires des varves du lac glaciaire de Deschaillons (Wisconsinien inferieur)] (1989) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26 (5), 1041-1052

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Causse, C. The late pleistocene Laurentide glacier: Th U dating of its major fluctuations and δ18O range of the ice (1989) Quaternary Research, 32 (2), 125-138.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., De Vernal, A., Aksu, A., Macko, S. High-resolution isotopic and micropaleontological studies of upper Pleistocene sediments at ODP Site 645, Baffin Bay (1989) Proc., scientific results, ODP, Leg 105, Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea, 599-616.

Massicotte, D., Peronnet, F., Brisson, G., Bakkouch, K., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Oxidation of a glucose polymer during exercise: Comparison with glucose and fructose (1989) Journal of Applied Physiology, 66 (1), 179-183.

Casanova, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Page, N., Taieb, M., Vincens, A. Palaeohydrology and Late Quaternary stratigraphy of lacustrine deposits in the Suguta rift, Kenya [Stratigraphie et paleohydrologie des episodes lacustres du Quaternaire recent du rift Suguta (Kenya)] (1988) Comptes Rendus - Academie des Sciences, Serie II, 307 (10), 1251-1258.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Isotopic composition (18O, 13C, 14C) on biogenic carbonates in Champlain Sea sediments (1988) Geological Association of Canada - Special Paper, 35, 177-194.

Andrews, J.T., Matthews, R.K., Osterman, L.E., Miller, G.H., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Williams, K.M. Deglaciation and meltwater events in hudson strait and the Eastern Canadian Arctic (1987) Geo-Marine Letters, 7 (1), 23-30.

Casanova, J., Hillaire-Marcel, C. (Chronology and paleohydrology of former lake levels in the Natron-Magadi basin (Tanzania-Kenya) from isotopic composition (18O, 13O, 14C, Th/U) of shoreline stromatolites) . [Chronologie et paleohydrologie des hauts niveaux quaternaires du bassin Natron-Magadi (Tanzanie-Kenya) d'apres la composition isotopique (18O, 13C, 14C, U/Th) des stromatolites littoraux.] (1987) Sciences Geologiques - Bulletin, 40 (1-2), 121-134.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. (Elements of a middle and Late Pleistocene climatostratigraphy in east Canada by palynological and isotopic analysis of piston and gravity cores 84-030-003, Labrador Sea). [Elements d'une climatostratigraphie du Pleistocene moyen et tardif dans l'est du Canada par l'analyse palynologique et isotopique du forage 84-030-003, mer du Labrador.] (1987) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 24 (9), 1886-1902.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Paleoenvironments along the eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet margin and timing of the last ice maximum and retreat (1987) Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 41 (2), 265-277.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Aksu, A.E., Mudie, P.J. Palynostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of Baffin Bay deep sea cores: Climatostratigraphic implications (1987) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 61 (C), 97-105.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Isotopic hydrology of Lake Magadi, Kenya and Lake Natron, Tanzania [Hydrologie isotopique des lacs Magadi (Kenya) et Natron (Tanzanie)] (1987) Sciences Geologiques - Bulletin, 40 (1-2), 111-120.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Casanova, J. Isotopic hydrology and paleohydrology of the Madagi (Kenya)-Natron (Tanzania) basin during the late quaternary (1987) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 58 (3-4), 155-181.

de Vernal, A., Causse, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Mott, R.J., Occhietti, S. Palynostratigraphy and Th/U ages of upper Pleistocene interglacial and interstadial deposits on Cape Breton Island, eastern Canada. (1986) Geology, 14 (7), 554-557.

de Vernal, A., Hillaire-Marcel, C. ( Mid-Wisconsinian paleoenvironments in eastern Canada by palynological and isotopic studies in continental and deep-sea deposits). [Paleoenvironnements du Wisconsinien moyen dans l'Est du Canada par l'analyse palynologique et isotopique de sediments oceaniques et continentaux.] (1986) Revue de Geologie Dynamique et de Geographie Physique, 27 (2), 119-130.

Goy, J.L., Zazo, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Causse, C. ( Stratigraphy and chronology ( U/Th) of the Tyrrhenian of southeast Spain). [Stratigraphie et chronologie (U/Th) du Tyrrhenien du sud-est de l'Espagne.] (1986) Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Supplementband, 62, 71-82.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Carro, O., Casanova, J. 14C and Th U dating of Pleistocene and Holocene stromatolites from East African paleolakes (1986) Quaternary Research, 25 (3), 312-329.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Carro, O., Causse, C., Goy, J.L., Zazo, C. Th/U dating of Strombus bubonius-bearing marine terraces in southeastern Spain. (1986) Geology, 14 (7), 613-616.

Dever, L., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Fontes, J.Ch. Composition isotopique, géochimie et genèse de la glace en lentilles (palsen) dans les tourbières au Nouveau Québec (Canada) (1984) Journal of Hydrology, 71 (1-2), 107-130.

Massicotte, D., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Ledoux, M., Péronnet, F. The natural isotope tracing with 13C: a non-invasive method for studying the metabolism during exercise. (1984) Canadian journal of applied sport sciences. Journal canadien des sciences appliquees au sport, 9 (3), p. 164.

Pagé, P., Ouellet, M., Hillaire‐Marcel, C., Dickman, M. Isotopic analyses (18O, 13C, 14C) of two meromictic lakes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (1984) Limnology and Oceanography, 29 (3), 564-573.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Riser, J., Rognon, P., Petit-Maire, N., Rosso, J.C., Soulie-Marche, I. Radiocarbon chronology of Holocene hydrologic changes in northeastern Mali (1983) Quaternary Research, 20 (2), 145-164.

Lamothe, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Page, P. ( Discovery of striated calcareous concretions in the Gentilly Till of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec). [Decouverte de concretions calcaires striees dans le till de Gentilly, basses-terres du Saint-Laurent, Quebec.] (1983) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20 (3), 500-505.

Dever, L., Laithier, M., Hillaire-Marcel, C. Caracteristiques isotopiques (18O, 13CO2, 3H) des ecoulements dans une tourbiere sur pergelisol au Nouveau- Quebec. (1982) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 19 (6), 1255-1263.

Doner, L.W., Bills, D.D., Carro, O., Drimmie, R., Fritz, P., Gearing, J.N., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Parker, P.L., Reeseman, F.M., Smith, B.N., Ziegler, H. Mass spectrometric 13C/12C determinations to detect high fructose corn syrup in orange juice: collaborative study. (1982) Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 65 (3), 608-610.

Hillaire Marcel, C., Taieb, M., Tiercelin, J.J., Page, N. A 1.2-Myr record of isotopic changes in a late Pliocene Rift Lake, Ethiopia (1982) Nature, 296 (5858), 640-642.

Bédard, P., Hillaire-marcel, C., Pagé, P. 18O modelling of freshwater inputs in Baffin Bay and Canadian Arctic coastal waters (1981) Nature, 293 (5830), 287-289.

Ek, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Trudel, B. ( Sedimentological and paleoclimatological studies using isotope ratios in a cave in Gaspesie, Quebec). [Sedimentologie et paleoclimatologie isotopique dans une grotte de Gaspesie, Quebec.] (1981) Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 35 (3), 317-328.

Gaven, C., Hillaire-marcel, C., Petit-maire, N. A Pleistocene lacustrine episode in southeastern Libya (1981) Nature, 290 (5802), 131-133.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Continental ice complexes: distinction between centres of outflow and centres of loading of the crust - example of the eastern Laurentide ice-sheet. (1981) Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 25 (2), 225-228.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Paleo-oceanographie isotopique des mers post-glaciaires du Quebec (1981) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 35 (C), 63-119.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Occhietti, S., Vincent, J. Sakami moraine, Quebec: A 500-km-long moraine without climatic control (1981) Geology, 9 (5), 210-214.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Page, P. ( Isotopic paleotemperatures of glacial lake Deschaillons). [Paleotemperatures isotopiques du lac glaciaire de Deschaillons.] (1981) Quaternary paleoclimate, 273-298.

Gray, J., De Boutray, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Lauriol, B. Postglacial emergence of the west coast of Ungava Bay, Quebec. (1980) Arctic and Alpine Research, 12 (1), 19-30.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Multiple component postglacial emergence, eastern Hudson Bay, Canada. (1980) Earth rheology, isostasy and eustasy, proc. symp., Stockholm, 1977, 215-230.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Grant, D.R., Vincent, J.-S. Comment on ' Keewatin Ice Sheet - re-evaluation of the traditional concept of the Laurentide Ice Sheet' and ' Glacial erosion and ice sheet divides, northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet, on the basis of the distribution of limestone erratics'. (1980) Geology, 8 (10), 466-467.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Grant, D.R., Vincent, J.-S. Comment on 'Keewatin Ice Sheet-Re-evaluation of the traditional concept of the Laurentide Ice Sheet' and 'Glacial erosion and ice sheet divides, northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet, on the basis of the distribution of limestone erratics' (1980) Geology, 8 (10), 466-467.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Occhietti, S. Chronology, paleogeography and paleoclimatic significance of the late and post-glacial events in eastern Canada. (1980) Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 24 (4), 373-392.

Hillaire-Marcel, L. (The fauna of the post glacial seas of Quebec: some palaeoecological aspects). [Les faunes des mers post-glaciaires du Quebec: quelques considerations paleoecologiques.] (1980) Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 34 (1), 3-59.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Soucy, J.-M., Cailleux, A. Isotopic analysis of sub-glacial concretions of the Laurentide ice sheet and the oxygen-18 content of the ice. [Analyse isotopique de concretions sous-glaciaires de L'inlandsis laurentidien et teneur en oxygene 18 de la glace.] (1979) Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 16 (7), 1494-1498.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Fairbridge, R.W. Isostasy and eustasy of Hudson Bay (1978) Geology, 6 (2), 117-122.

Fairbridge, R.W., Hillaire-Marcel, C. An 8,000-yr palaeoclimatic record of the 'Double-Hale' 45-yr solar cycle (1977) Nature, 268 (5619), 413-416.

Hillaire-Marcel, C., Occhietti, S. Fréquence des datations Au 14C de faunes marines post-glaciaires de l'est du Canada et variations paléoclimatiques (1977) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 21 (1), 17-54.

Hillaire-Marcel, C. Note sur une population Pleistocène de mya arenaria (Linné), St-Joseph-du-Lac, Québec (1972) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 12 (4), 275-283.

Sousa, Isabela : Stage postdoctoral
Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'atmosphère, Université du Québec à Montréal
Codirection : Anne de Vernal
Sujet de recherche : Documenter l'origine des sédiments à partir des isotopes du Nd et du Sr aux marges glaciaires de l'Antarctique et du Groenland lors de la transition Pliocène-Pléistocène