Archives sédimentaires et
reconstitutions paléoclimatiques
pierre.francus [at] inrs.ca (pierre[dot]francus[at]inrs[dot]ca)
Mots-clés: Paléoclimats, Analyse d'image, Limnogéologie
Mes projets de recherche ont pour objet l'étude des sédiments lacustres et marins, actuels et passés, dans le but de reconstituer les paléoclimats et les paléoenvironnements. De nature interdisciplinaire, mes projets les plus récents se focalisent sur les sédiments varvés (annuellement laminés) des régions arctiques. En effet, les varves offrent la possibilité de reconstituer les variations interannuelles à séculaires des cycles hydrologiques et climatiques tels que l'oscillation de l'Atlantique Nord, l'oscillation arctique, ... Il s'agit aussi de comprendre les processus actuels, biologiques et sédimentaires, qui conduisent à la formation du sédiment, avant de pouvoir déduire les conditions environnementales anciennes. Mes activités de recherche contribuent également à l'estimation des risques environnementaux naturels (crues, séismes) et des risques résultants des activités humaines (pollution, modification des bassins versants).
Les méthodes pour parvenir à ces objectifs utilisent une technique originale et unique d’analyse d’images de lames minces de sédiments meubles. Des techniques d’analyse non destructives des carottes de sédiments sont également mises en œuvre : un scanographe de microfluorescence X qui permet l'analyse chimique non destructive et automatique avec une résolution de 0.1 mm, un CT-scan médical et un micro-CT-scan qui permettent de distinguer la structure des échantillons, de mesurer leur densité, leur porosité, et même d’estimer leur composition. J’applique également ces techniques pour des projets en archéologie et en dendroclimatologie, et pour l’étude du transport sédimentaire, ainsi que des processus de séquestration du CO2 dans des réservoirs géologiques.
Jouve, G., Lisé-Pronovost, A., Francus, P., De Coninck, A.S., 2017. Climatic influence of the latest Antarctic isotope maximum of the last glacial period (AIM4) on Southern Patagonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 472, 33-50.
Lapointe, F., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S.F., Vuille, M., Jenny, J-P., Bradley, R.S., Massa, C., 2017. Influence of North Pacific decadal variability on the western Canadian Arctic over the past 700 years. Climate of the Past 13 (4), 411-420.
Beaudoin, A., Pienitz, R., Francus, P., Zdanowicz, C., St-Onge, G., 2016. Palaeoenvironmental history of the last six centuries in the Nettilling Lake area (Baffin Island, Canada): A multi-proxy analysis. The Holocene 26 (11), 1835-1846.
Briner, J.P., McKay, N.P., Axford, Y., Bennike, O., Bradley, R.S., de Vernal, A., Fisher, D., Francus, P., Fréchette, B., Gajewski, K., Jennings, A., Kaufman, D.S., Miller, G., Rouston, C., Wagner, B., 2016. Holocene climate change in Arctic Canada and Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 340-364.
Crabeck, O., Galley, R., Delille, B., Else, B., Geilfus, N.-X., Lemes, M., Des Roches, M., Francus, P., Tison, J.-L., Rysgaard, S., 2016. Imaging air volume fraction in sea ice using non-destructive X-ray tomography. The Cryosphere 10 (3), 1125-1145.
Jenny, J.-P., Francus, P., Normandeau, A., Lapointe, F., Perga, M.-E., Ojala, A., Schimmelmann, A., Zolitschka, B., 2016. Global spread of hypoxia in freshwater ecosystems during the last three centuries is caused by rising local human pressure. Global Change Biology 22 (4), 1481-1489.
Jenny, J.-P., Normandeau, A., Francus, P., Taranu, Z.E., Gregory-Eaves, I., Lapointe, F., Jautzy, J., Ojala, A.E.K., Dorioz, J.-M., Schimmelmann, A., Zolitschka, B., 2016. Urban point sources of nutrients were the leading cause for the historical spread of hypoxia across European lakes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (45), 12655-12660.
Narancic, B., Pienitz, R., Chapligin, B., Meyer, H., Francus, P., Guilbault, J.-P., 2016. Postglacial environmental succession of Nettilling Lake (Baffin Island, Canadian Arctic) inferred from biogeochemical and microfossil proxies. Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 391-405.
Normandeau, A., Joyal, G., Lajeunesse, P., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S., Lapointe, F., 2016. Late-Holocene mass movements in high Arctic East Lake, Melville Island (Western Canadian Arctic Archipelago). In G. Lamarche, J. Mountjoy, S. Bull, T. Hubble, S. Krastel, E. Lane, A. Micallef, L. Moscardelli, C. Mueller, I. Pecher and S. Woelz (Eds.): Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences: 7th International Symposium, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 311-320.
Normandeau, A., Lajeunesse, P., Poiré, A.G., Francus, P., 2016. Morphological expression of bedforms formed by supercritical sediment density flows on four fjord-lake deltas of the south-eastern Canadian Shield (Eastern Canada). Sedimentology 63 (7), 2106-2129.
Normandeau, A., Lamoureux, S.F., Lajeunesse, P., Francus, P., 2016. Sediment dynamics in paired High Arctic lakes revealed from high-resolution swath bathymetry and acoustic stratigraphy surveys. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 121 (9), 1676-1696.
Schimmelmann, A., Lange, C.B., Schieber, J., Francus, P., Ojala, A.E.K., Zolitschka, B., 2016. Varves in marine sediments: A review. Earth-Science Reviews 159, 215-246.
Balascio, N.L., Francus, P., Bradley, R.S., Schupack, B.B., Miller, G.H., Kvisvik, B.C., Bakke, J., Thordarson, T., 2015. Investigating the Use of Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence to Locate Cryptotephra in Minerogenic Lacustrine Sediment: Experimental Results. In R.G. Rothwell and I.W. Croudace (Eds.): Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores, Springer, Dordrecht. Developments in Palaeoenvironmental Research 17, 305-324.
Cuven, S., Francus, P., Crémer, J.F., Bérubé, F., 2015. Optimization of Itrax Core Scanner Protocols for the Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Finely Laminated Sediment: A Case Study of Lacustrine Varved Sediment from the High Arctic. In R.G. Rothwell and I.W. Croudace (Eds.): Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores, Springer, Dordrecht. Developments in Palaeoenvironmental Research 17, 279-303.
Francus, P., Kanamaru, K., Fortin, D., 2015. Standardization and Calibration of X-Radiographs Acquired with the ITRAX Core Scanner. In R.G. Rothwell and I.W. Croudace (Eds.): Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores, Springer, Dordrecht. Developments in Palaeoenvironmental Research 17, 491-505.
Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Jouve, G., Francus, P., Ohlendorff, C., Gebhardt, C., Zolitschka, B., PASADO Science Team, 2015. Rock-magnetic proxies of wind intensity and dust since 51,200 cal BP from lacustrine sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southeastern Patagonia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 411, 72-86.
Zimmermann, C., Jouve, G., Pienitz, R., Francus, P., Maidana, N.I., 2015. Late Glacial and Early Holocene cyclic changes in paleowind conditions and lake levels inferred from diatom assemblage shifts in Laguna Potrok Aike sediments (southern Patagonia, Argentina). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 427, 20-31.
Zolitschka, B., Francus, P., Ojala, A.E.K., Schimmelmann, A., 2015. Varves in lake sediments - a review. Quaternary Science Reviews 117, 1-41.
Zolitschka, B., Francus, P., Ojala, A.E.K., Schimmelmann, A., Telepski, C. 2015. The online Varve Image Portal: A new tool for studying annually laminated sediments. PAGES Magazine 23 (1), 35.
Bouchard, F., Francus, P., Pienitz, R., Laurion, I., Feyte, S. 2014, Subarctic thermokarst ponds: Investigating recent landscape evolution and sediment dynamics in thawed permafrost of Northern Québec (Canada). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 46 (1), 251-271.
Guyard, H., Francus, P., St-Onge, G., Hausmann, S., Pienitz, R., 2014. Microfacies and microstructures of subglacial and deglacial sediments from the Pingualuit Crater Lake (Ungava Peninsula, Canada). Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 51 (12): 1084-1096.
Lamoureux, S., Francus, P., 2014. Layers within layers: quantifying seasonal versus event processes in Arctic clastic varved sediments. PAGES Magazine 22 (1), 6-7.
Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Jouve, G., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B. 2014, Rock-magnetic signature of precipitation and extreme runoff events in south-eastern Patagonia since 51,200cal BP from the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike. Quaternary Science Reviews 98, 110-125.
Bouchard, F., Pienitz, R., Ortiz, J.D., Francus, P., Laurion, I. 2013, Palaeolimnological conditions inferred from fossil diatom assemblages and derivative spectral properties of sediments in thermokarst ponds of subarctic Quebec, Canada, Boreas, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 575-595.
Francus, P., Ridge, J.C., Johnson, M.D. 2013, The rise of varves, GFF, vol. 135, no. 3-4, pp. 229-230.
Francus, P., von Suchodoletz, H., Dietze, M., Donner, R.V., Bouchard, F., Roy, A.-J., Fagot, M., Verschuren, D., Kröpelin, S. 2013, Varved sediments of Lake Yoa (Ounianga Kebir, Chad) reveal progressive drying of the Sahara during the last 6100 years, Sedimentology, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 911-934.
Fortin, D., Francus, P., Gebhardt, A. C., Hahn, A., Kliem, P., Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G. 2013, Destructive and non-destructive density determination: Method comparison and evaluation from the laguna potrok aike sedimentary record. Quaternary Science Reviews.vol. 71, pp. 147-153.
Jouve, G., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S., Provencher-Nolet, L., Hahn, A., Haberzettl, T., Fortin, D., Nuttin, L. 2013, Microsedimentological characterization using image analysis and μ-XRF as indicators of sedimentary processes and climate changes during Lateglacial at Laguna Potrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 71, pp. 191-204.
Kanamaru, K., Francus, P., François, R., Besonen, M., Laj, C. 2013, New insight into Saanich Inlet varved sediments (British Columbia, Canada) from micro-scale analysis of sedimentary facies and micro-XRF core scanning analyses, GFF, vol. 135, no. 3-4, pp. 316-339.
Lisé-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Preda, M., Kliem, P., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B. 2013, High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variations and relative paleointensity since the Late Pleistocene in southern South America, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 71, pp. 91-108.
Nuttin, L., Francus, P., Preda, M., Ghaleb, B., Hillaire-Marcel, C. 2013, Authigenic, detrital and diagenetic minerals in the Laguna Potrok Aike sediment sequence, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 71, pp. 109-118.
Zolitschka, B., Anselmetti, F., Ariztegui, D., Corbella, H., Francus, P., Lücke, A., Maidana, N.I., Ohlendorf, C., Schäbitz, F., Wastegård, S. 2013, Environment and climate of the last 51,000 years - new insights from the Potrok Aike maar lake Sediment Archive Drilling prOject (PASADO), Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 71, pp. 1-12.
Lapointe, F., Francus, P., Lamoureaux, S.F., Saïd, M., Cuven, S. 2012. 1750 years of large rainfall events inferred from particle size at East Lake, Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Canada. Journal of Paleolomnology, 48 (1), 159-173.
Ojala, A.E.K., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B., Besonen, M., Lamoureux, S.F. 2012. Characteristics of sedimentary varve chronologies - A review. Quaternary Science Reviews, 43, 45-60.
Giguet-Covex, C., Arnaud, F., Enters, D., Poulenard, J., Millet, L., Francus, P., David, F., Rey, P.-J., Wilhelm, B., Delannoy, J.-J. 2012. Frequency and intensity of high-altitude floods over the last 3.5 ka in northwestern French Alps (Lake Anterne), Quaternary Research, 77 (1) 12-22.
Antoniades, D., Francus, P., Pienitz, R., St-Onge, G., Vincent, W.F., 2011. Holocene dynamics of the Arctic’s largest ice shelf. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(47), 18899-18904.
Guyard, H., St-Onge, G., Pienitz, R., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B., Clarke, G.K., Hausmann, S., Salonen, V-.P., Lajeunesse, P., Ledoux, G., Lamothe, M., 2011. New insight into Late Pleistocene glacial and postglacial history of northernmost Ungava (Canada) from the Pingualuit Crater Lake sediments, Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(27-28), 3892-3907.
Bouchard, F., Francus, P., Pienitz, R., Laurion, I., 2011. Sedimentology and geochemistry of thermokarst ponds in discontinuous permafrost, subarctic Quebec, Canada, Journal of Geophysical Research G: Biogeosciences, 116(3), G00M04.
Cuven, S., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S., 2011. Mid to Late Holocene hydroclimatic and geochemical records from the varved sediments of East Lake, Cape Bounty, Canadian High Arctic, Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(19-20), 2651-2665.
Giguet-Covex, C., Arnaud, F., Poulenard, J., Disnar, J.-R., Delhon, C., Francus, P., David, F., Enters, D., Rey, P.-J., Delannoy, J.-J. 2011. Changes in erosion patterns during the Holocene in a currently treeless subalpine catchment inferred from lake sediment geochemistry (Lake Anterne, 2063 m a.s.l., NW French Alps): The role of climate and human activities, The Holocene, 21(4), 651-665.
Jenning, A.E., Sheldon, C., Cronin, T.M., Francus, P., Stoner, J., Andrews, J., 2011. The Holocene History of Nares Strait, Oceanography, 24(3), 26-41.
Cuven, S., Francus, P., Lamoureux, S.F., 2010. Estimation of grain size variability with micro X-ray fluorescence in laminated lacustrine sediments, Cape Bounty, Canadian High Arctic, Journal of Paleolimnology, 44(3), 803-817.
Laurion, I., Vincent, W.F., MacIntyre, S., Retamal, L., Dupont, C., Francus, P., Pienitz, R., 2010. Variability in greenhouse gas emissions from permafrost thaw ponds. Limnology & Oceanography 55(1), 115–133.
Lewis, T., Francus, P., Bradley, R.S., Kanamaru, K., 2010. An automated system for the statistical analysis of sediment texture and structure at the micro scale, Computers & Geosciences, 36, 1374-1383.
Cook, T.L., Bradley, R.S., Stoner, J.S., Francus, P., 2009. Five thousand years of sediment transfer in a high arctic watershed recorded in annually laminated sediments from Lower Murray Lake, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada, Journal of Paleolimnology, 41 (1), 77-94.
Kaufman, D.S., Schneider, D. P., McKay, N. P., Ammann, C. M., Bradley, R. S., Briffa, K. R., Miller, G. H., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Overpeck, J. T., Vinther, B. M., Abbott, M. , Axford, Y. , Bird, B., Birks, H. J. B., Bjune, A. E., Briner, J., Cook, T., Chipman, M. , Francus, P., Gajewski, K. , Geirsdóttir, K. , Hu, F. S. , Kutchko, B., Lamoureux, S., Loso, M. , MacDonald, G. , Peros, M. , Porinchu, D. , Schiff, C., Seppä, H. , Thomas, E., 2009. Recent Warming Reverses Long-Term Arctic Cooling, Science, 325 (5945), 1236-1239.
Lewis, T., Francus, P., Bradley, R.S., 2009. Recent occurrence of large jökulhlaups at Lake Tuborg, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Journal of Paleolimnology, 41, 491-506.
Rolland, N., Larocque, I., Francus, P., Pienitz, R., Laperrière, L., 2009. Evidence for a warmer period during the 12th and 13th centuries AD from chironomid assemblages in Southampton Island, Nunavut, Canada, Quaternary Research, 72 (1), 27-37, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2009.03.001.
Besonen, M., Bradley, R., Mudelsee,M., Abbott, M., Francus, P., 2008. A thousand year record of hurricane from Boston, Massachusetts, Geophysical Research Letters, (14), art. no. L14705.
Besonen, M.R., Patridge, W., Bradley, R.S., Francus, P., Stoner, J.S., Abbott, M.B., 2008. A record of climate over the last millennium based on varved lake sediments from the Canadian High Arctic, The Holocene, 18 (1), 169-180.
Francus, P., Bradley, R.S., Lewis, T., Abbott, M., Retelle, M., Stoner, J.S., 2008. Limnological and sedimentary processes at Sawtooth Lake, Canadian High Arctic, and their influence on varve formation, Journal of Paleolimnology, 40(3), 963-985, DOI: 10.1007/s10933-008-9210-x.
Koç, N., Francus, P., Amman, C., Anderson, D., Bradley, R., Kaufman, D., Korhola, A., Miller, G., 2008. Generating and synthesizing paleoclimate data to assess Arctic climate change, Eos, 89, 27: 244-245.
Kröpelin, S., Verschuren, D., Lézine, A.-M., Eggermont, H., Cocquyt, C., Francus, P., Cazet, J.-P., Fagot, M., Rumes, B., Russell, J. M., Darius, F., Conley, D. J., Schuster, M., von Suchodoletz, H., Engstrom, D. R., 2008. Climate-Driven Ecosystem Succession in the Sahara: The Past 6000 Years, Science, 320, 765-768. doi: 10.1126/science.1154913.
Rolland, N., Larocque, I., Francus, P., Pienitz, R., Laperrière, L., 2008. Holocene climate inferred from biological (Diptera : Chironomidae) analyses in a Southampton island (Nunavut, Canada) lake, The Holocene, 18(2), 229-241.
Asikainen, C., Francus, P., Brigham-Grette, J., 2007. Sedimentology, clay mineralogy and grain-size as indicators of 65 ka of climate change from El’gygytgyn Crater Lake, Northeastern Siberia, Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI 10.1007/s10933-006-9026-5.
Brigham-Grette, J., Haug, G., Baker, P., Cohen, A., Colman, S., Francus, P., Fritz, S., Lamoureux, S., Nielsen, D., Peck, J., Powers, L., Russel, J., Stein, M., Verschuren, D., Vogel, S., Zolitschka, B., 2007. Climate dynamics and global environments: a community vision for the next decade in ICDP. In: Harms, U., Koeberl, C., Zoback, M. (Eds), Continental Scientific Drilling, a decade of progress, and challnges for the future. Springer, Berlin, pp. 53-94.
Guyard, H., St-Onge, G., Chapron, E., Anselmetti, F., Francus, P., 2007. The AD 1881 earthquake-triggered slump and late Holocene exceptional flood-induced turbidites from proglacial Lake Bramant, Western French Alps. In V. Lykousis, D. Sakellariou and J. Locat (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, Springer, 279-286. GEOTOP publication n° 2007-0017.
Guyard, H., Chapron, E., St-Onge, G., Anselmetti, F.S., Arnaud, F., Magand, O., Francus, P., Mélières, M.-A., 2007. High-altitude varve records of abrupt environmental changes and mining activity over the last 4000 years in the Western French Alps (Lake Bramant, Grandes Rousses Massif), Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 (19-21), 2644-2660.
Lewis, T., Francus, P., Bradley, R., 2007. Limnology, sedimentology, and hydrology of a jökulhlaup into a meromictic high arctic lake, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 44 (6), 791-806. GEOTOP Publication n° 2007-0032.
St-Onge, G., Mulder, T., Francus, P., Long., B., 2007. Chapter two: Continuous physical properties of cored marine sediments, In C. Hillaire-Marcel and A. de Vernal (Eds.), Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography, Developments in Marine Geology , Elsevier, 63-98. GEOTOP publication n° 2007-0015.
Debret, M., Desmet, M., Balsam, W., Copard, Y., Francus, P., Laj, C., 2006. Spectrocolorimeter analysis of Holocene sediments from an anoxic fjord: Saanich Inlet, Bristish Columbia, Canada, Marine Geology, 229, 15-28.
Francus, P., Lamoureux, S., 2006. Microfacies characterization using image analysis, physical and chemical properties for understanding sedimentary processes and reconstructing climate at high-resolution at Laguna Potrok Aike, Terra Nostra, 2006 (01), 60-61.
St-Onge, G., Francus P., 2006. CT-scan image analysis and magnetic properties at Laguna Potrok Aike, Terra Nostra, 2006 (01), 66.
Lewis, T., Braun, C., Hardy, D., Francus, P., Bradley, R., 2005. An extreme sediment transfer event in a Canadian High Arctic Stream, Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, 37, 4, 477-482.
Vologina, E., Granin, N., Vorobyeva, S., Francus, P., Lomonosova, T., Kalashnikova, I. & Granina, L., 2005. Ice transportation of sand- silt material in southern lake Baikal, Geologiya i Geofizika (Geology and Geophisics), 46, 4, 186-192.
Pilcher, J., Bradley, R., Francus, P., Anderson, L., 2005. A Holocene tephra record from the Lofoten Islands, Arctic Norway, Boreas, 34 ,1-21.
Francus, P., Bradley, R., Thurow, J., 2004. An introduction to image analysis, sediments and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. In: Image analysis, sediments and paleoenvironments, edited by Francus, P., Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 1-7.
Francus, P., Pirard, E., 2004. Testing for sources of errors in quantitative image analysis. In: Image analysis, sediments and paleoenvironments, edited by Francus, P., Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 87-102.
Francus, P. (editor), 2004. Image analysis, sediments, and paleoenvironmental reconstructions, Kluwer academic publishers, Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series.
Nederbragt, A., Francus, P., Bollmann, J., Soreghan, M., 2004. Image calibration, filtering and processing. In: Image analysis, sediments and paleoenvironments, edited by Francus, P., Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 35-58.
Soreghan, M., Francus, P., 2004. Processing backscattered electron digital images of thin section. In: Image analysis, sediments and paleoenvironments, edited by Francus, P., Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 223.
Perren, B., Bradley, R., Francus, P., 2003. Rapid lacustrine response to recent High Arctic warming: a diatom record from Sawtooth Lake, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res, 35 (3), 271-278.
Francus, P., Keimig, F., Besonen, M., 2002. An algorithm to aid varves counting and measurement from thin-sections, J. Paleolimnol., 28 (2), 283-286.
Francus, P., Bradley, R., Abbott, M.B., Patridge, W., Keiming, F., 2002. Paleoclimate studies of minerogenic sediments using annually resolved textural parameters, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 20, 1998.
Francus, P., Bradley, R.S., Finney, B.P., Lewis, T., Patridge, W., Perren, B., Stoner, J., 2002. High-Resolution Lake Sediment Studies from Sawtooth Lake, Nunavut. Proceedings of the ARCSS All-Hands Workshop, 90.
Ojala, A., Francus, P., 2002. Comparing X-ray densitometry and BSE-image analysis of thin section in varved sediments, Boreas, 31, 57-64.
Francus, P., Asikainen, C., 2001. Sub-sampling unconsolidated sediments: a solution for the preparation of undisturbed thin-sections from clay-rich sediments, J. Paleolimnol., 26, 323-326.
Klerkx, J., Plisnier, P., Lambin, E., Serneels, S., Seret, G., Francus, P., Vyverman, W., Cocquyt, C., 2001. ENSO and Paleo-ENSO during the last 1000 years at Lake Tanganyika, Rapport final SSTC, Bruxelles, 136p.
Francus, P., 2001. Quantification of bioturbation in hemipelagic sediments via thin-sections image analysis, J. Sediment. Res., 71 (3), 501-507.
Francus, P., Patridge, W., Abbott, M., Bradley, R., Finney, B., Hardy, D., Lewis, T., Perren, B., Stoner, J., 2001. Current Research from Three Lakes From Ellesmere Island Nunavut: Sawtooth, Tuborg, and Murray, PaleoTimes, 29-30.
Francus, P., Patridge, W., Hardy, D., Abbott, M., Bradley, R., Finney, B., Lewis, T., Perren, B., Stoner, J., 2001. Preliminary Results from Three Lakes From Ellesmere Island, Nunavut: Sawtooth, Tuborg and Murray, Arctic Forum 2001, The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS), Fairbanks, AK: 32-33.
Francus, P., Karabanov, E., 2000. A computer-assisted thin-section study of lake Baikal sediments: a tool for understanding sedimentary processes and deciphering their climatic signal, Int. J. Earth Sciences, Geologische Rundschau, 89 (2), 260-267.
Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Codirection : Étienne Boucher
Sujet de recherche : Mesure de la densité du bois et du carbone accumulé dans les tourbières par tomodensitométrie
Département des sciences biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal
Codirection : Étienne Boucher
Sujet de recherche : Modélisations des variations de densité du bois à l’échelle régionale et implications pour l’estimation de la biomasse forestière
Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Codirection : Guillaume St-Onge
Sujet de recherche : Granulométrie des sédiments varvés et des IRD par micro-tomodensitométrie (µ-CT)
Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Sujet de recherche : Reconstruction paléoclimatique du Nord-Est canadien à partir de la fraction organique de sédiments lacustres varvés.