Dre Katy Rico - Co-Evolution of Life and Earth: Metals and Microbes in a Precambrian Ocean Analogue


Dre Katy Rico, McGill

Vendredi 12 mars 2021 à 11h00 - Friday, March 12, 2021 at 11am
Lien Zoom / Zoom link: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/86337986906?pwd=R2tnYnVyRmpxWlMxT1pYdEd6RWdnZz09
Résumé / abstract:

Throughout the Precambrian, major biological evolutions coincided with the gradual oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the redox chemistry of these ancient systems is necessary to reconstruct early Earth's biogeochemical cycling. The geochemistry of elements that are sensitive to oxygen (e.g. redox-sensitive metals, such as iron and molybdenum) are considered robust proxies for identifying the extent of oxygen availability in Proterozoic (~0.55–2.35 Ga) oceans, a microbially-dominated world wherein eukaryotic life evolved. This talk will use sediment geochemistry data of a low-oxygen analogue for Proterozoic oceans to 1) test various metal redox proxies in a low-oxygen environment, and 2) identify how sediment geochemistry records the presence of a cyanobacterial microbial mat at the sediment-water interface. This work highlights the need to use multiple redox proxies in tandem with one another, and to examine the burial mechanisms of trace metals with greater scrutiny, in order to better interpret ancient sediment biogeochemistry.

Passcode: 010917

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Co-Evolution of Life and Earth: Metals and Microbes in a Precambrian Ocean Analogue

Ajouter au calendrier 2021-03-12 11:00:00 2024-05-05 00:16:15 Dre Katy Rico - Co-Evolution of Life and Earth: Metals and Microbes in a Precambrian Ocean Analogue Throughout the Precambrian, major biological evolutions coincided with the gradual oxygenation of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the redox chemistry of these ancient systems is necessary to reconstruct early Earth's biogeochemical cycling. The geochemistry of elements that are sensitive to oxygen (e.g. redox-sensitive metals, such as iron and molybdenum) are considered robust proxies for identifying the extent of oxygen availability in Proterozoic (~0.55–2.35 Ga) oceans, a microbially-dominated world wherein eukaryotic life evolved. This talk will use sediment geochemistry data of a low-oxygen analogue for Proterozoic oceans to 1) test various metal redox proxies in a low-oxygen environment, and 2) identify how sediment geochemistry records the presence of a cyanobacterial microbial mat at the sediment-water interface. This work highlights the need to use multiple redox proxies in tandem with one another, and to examine the burial mechanisms of trace metals with greater scrutiny, in order to better interpret ancient sediment biogeochemistry. Passcode: 010917 Geotop admin@example.com America/New_York public