X-ray diffraction laboratory (UQAM)

Contact :  preda.michel [at] uqam.ca
Ph. : 514-987-3000 ext. 3377


201 Président-Kennedy Ave., 5th floor
Montréal, QC H2X 3Y7 - Canada

X-ray Diffraction analysis prices 
(semi-quantitative analysis; $/sample)

 UQAM (DSTA-Student)UQAM (DSTA-General)UQAM (Otehr)AcademicCommercial


1. Including participation of a student to prepare/separate granulometric fractions. 
2. No student participation in the sample preparation/separation. 
3. Results in 10 workdays: $150; 3 workdays: $300; 1 workday (24 h.): $500. 
4. Grinding not included. Analysis of fraction below 30 μm.