Paléo-environnements et paléo-climatologie
Kaufman D., McKay N., Routson C., Erb M., Davis B., Heiri O., Jaccard S., Tierney J., Dätwyler C., Axford Y., Brussel T., Cartapanis O., Chase B., Dawson A., de Vernal A., Engels S., Jonkers L., Marsicek J., Moffa-Sánchez P., Morrill C., Orsi A., Rehfeld K., Saunders K., Sommer P.S., Thomas E., Tonello M., Tóth M., Vachula R., Andreev A., Bertrand S., Biskaborn B., Bringué M., Brooks S., Caniupán M., Chevalier M., Cwynar L., Emile-Geay J., Fegyveresi J., Feurdean A., Finsinger W., Fortin M.-C., Foster L., Fox M., Gajewski K., Grosjean M., Hausmann S., Heinrichs M., Holmes N., Ilyashuk B., Ilyashuk E., Juggins S., Khider D., Koinig K., Langdon P., Larocque-Tobler I., Li J., Lotter A., Luoto T., Mackay A., Magyari E., Malevich S., Mark B., Massaferro J., Montade V., Nazarova L., Novenko E., Pařil P., Pearson E., Peros M., Pienitz R., Płóciennik M., Porinchu D., Potito A., Rees A., Reinemann S., Roberts S., Rolland N., Salonen S., Self A., Seppä H., Shala S., St-Jacques J.-M., Stenni B., Syrykh L., Tarrats P., Taylor K., van den Bos V., Velle G., Wahl E., Walker I., Wilmshurst J., Zhang E., Zhilich S., 2020. A global database of Holocene paleotemperature records. Scientific Data 7(1), 115.
Martin J.T., Pederson G.T., Woodhouse C.A., Cook E.R., McCabe G.J., Anchukaitis K.J., Wise E.K., Erger P.J., Dolan L., McGuire M., Gangopadhyay S., Chase K.J., Littell J.S., Gray S.T., George S.S., Friedman J.M., Sauchyn D.J., St-Jacques J.-M., King J., 2020. Increased drought severity tracks warming in the United States' largest river basin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117(21), 11328.
St-Jacques J.-M., Chipanshi A., Hadwen T., Friesen A., Sauchyn D., 2019. Searching Towards Creating a Sustainable Integrated Mesonet for the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Atmosphere-Ocean 57(5), 378-389.
Shuman B.N., Routson C., McKay N., Fritz S., Kaufman D., Kirby M.E., Nolan C., Pederson G.T., St-Jacques J.M., 2018. Placing the Common Era in a Holocene context: Millennial to centennial patterns and trends in the hydroclimate of North America over the past 2000 years. Climate of the Past 14(5), 665-686.
St-Jacques J.-M., Andreichuk Y., Sauchyn D.J., Barrow E., 2018. Projecting Canadian Prairie Runoff for 2041–2070 with North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) Data. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54(3), 660-675.
Wise E.K., Woodhouse C.A., Mccabe G.J., Pederson G.T., St-Jacques J.-M., 2018. Hydroclimatology of the missouri river basin. Journal of Hydrometeorology 19(1), 161-182.
Emile-Geay J., McKay N.P., Kaufman D.S., Von Gunten L., Wang J., Anchukaitis K.J., Abram N.J., Addison J.A., Curran M.A.J., Evans M.N., Henley B.J., Hao Z., Martrat B., McGregor H.V., Neukom R., Pederson G.T., Stenni B., Thirumalai K., Werner J.P., Xu C., Divine D.V., Dixon B.C., Gergis J., Mundo I.A., Nakatsuka T., Phipps S.J., Routson C.C., Steig E.J., Tierney J.E., Tyler J.J., Allen K.J., Bertler N.A.N., Björklund J., Chase B.M., Chen M.-T., Cook E., De Jong R., DeLong K.L., Dixon D.A., Ekaykin A.A., Ersek V., Filipsson H.L., Francus P., Freund M.B., Frezzotti M., Gaire N.P., Gajewski K., Ge Q., Goosse H., Gornostaeva A., Grosjean M., Horiuchi K., Hormes A., Husum K., Isaksson E., Kandasamy S., Kawamura K., Kilbourne K.H., Koç N., Leduc G., Linderholm H.W., Lorrey A.M., Mikhalenko V., Mortyn P.G., Motoyama H., Moy A.D., Mulvaney R., Munz P.M., Nash D.J., Oerter H., Opel T., Orsi A.J., Ovchinnikov D.V., Porter T.J., Roop H.A., Saenger C., Sano M., Sauchyn D., Saunders K.M., Seidenkrantz M.-S., Severi M., Shao X., Sicre M.-A., Sigl M., Sinclair K., St George S., St Jacques J.-M., Thamban M., Thapa U.K., Thomas E.R., Turney C., Uemura R., Viau A.E., Vladimirova D.O., Wahl E.R., White J.W.C., Yu Z., Zinke J., 2017. A global multiproxy database for temperature reconstructions of the Common Era. Scientific Data 4, 170088.
Correa-Metrio A., Vélez M.I., Escobar J., St-Jacques J.-M., López-Pérez M., Curtis J., Cosford J., 2016. Mid-elevation ecosystems of Panama: future uncertainties in light of past global climatic variability. Journal of Quaternary Science 31(7), 731-740.
Gurrapu S., St-Jacques J.-M., Sauchyn D.J., Hodder K.R., 2016. The Influence of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on Annual Floods in the Rivers of Western Canada. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52(5), 1031-1045.
Kujawa E.R., Goring S., Dawson A., Calcote R., Grimm E.C., Hotchkiss S.C., Jackson S.T., Lynch E.A., McLachlan J., St-Jacques J.-M., Umbanhowar C., Jr., Williams J.W., 2016. The effects of anthropogenic land cover change on pollen-vegetation relationships in the American Midwest. Anthropocene 15, 60-71.
Sauchyn D.J., St-Jacques J.-M., Barrow E., Nemeth M.W., Macdonald R.J., Sheer A.M.S., Sheer D.P., 2016. Adaptive Water Resource Planning in the South Saskatchewan River Basin: Use of Scenarios of Hydroclimatic Variability and Extremes. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 52(1), 222-240.
Sauchyn D., Bonsal B., Kienzle S.W., St. Jacques J.-M., Vanstone J., Wheaton E., 2015. Adaptation according to mode of climate variability: A case study from canada’s western interior. Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation, 1353-1379.
Sauchyn D.J., St-Jacques J.-M., Luckman B.H., 2015. Long-term reliability of the Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) as the water source for oil sands mining. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(41), 12621-12626.
Sauchyn D., Vanstone J., St Jacques J.-M., Sauchyn R., 2015. Dendrohydrology in Canada's western interior and applications to water resource management. Journal of Hydrology 529(P2), 548-558.
St Jacques J.-M., Cumming B.F., Sauchyn D.J., Smol J.P., 2015. The bias and signal attenuation present in conventional pollen-based climate reconstructions as assessed by early climate data from Minnesota, USA. PLoS ONE 10(1), e0113806.
Starratt S.W., St.-Jacques J.-M., 2015. Introduction to the proceedings of the 26th Pacific climate workshop. Quaternary International 387, 1-2.
St. Jacques J.-M., Huang Y.A., Zhao Y., Lapp S.L., Sauchyn D.J., 2014. Detection and attribution of variability and trends in streamflow records from the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Canadian Water Resources Journal 39(3), 270-284.
Lapp S.L., St. Jacques J.-M., Sauchyn D.J., Vanstone J.R., 2013. Forcing of hydroclimatic variability in the northwestern Great Plains since AD 1406. Quaternary International 310, 47-61.
St. Jacques J.-M., Lapp S.L., Zhao Y., Barrow E.M., Sauchyn D.J., 2013. Twenty-first century central Rocky Mountain river discharge scenarios undergreenhouse forcing. Quaternary International 310, 34-46.
Lapp S.L., St. Jacques J.-M., Barrow E.M., Sauchyn D.J., 2012. GCM projections for the Pacific Decadal Oscillation under greenhouse forcing for the early 21st century. International Journal of Climatology 32(9), 1423-1442.
Rühland K., St. Jacques J.-M., Beierle B.D., Lamoureux S.F., Dyke A.S., Smol J.P., 2010. Erratum to Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental changes recorded in lake sediments, Brock Plateau (Melville Hills), Northwest Territories, Canada (The Holocene (2009), 19, (1005-1016), DOI: 10.1177/0959683609340999). Holocene 20(1), 149.
Rühland K., St. Jacques J.-M., Beierle B.D., Lamoureux S.F., Dyke A.S., Smol J.P., 2009. Lateglacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental changes recorded in Lake Sediments, Brock Plateau (Melville Hills), Northwest Territories, Canada. Holocene 19(7), 1005-1016.
St-Jacques J.-M., Cumming B.F., Smol J.P., 2009. A 900-yr diatom and chrysophyte record of spring mixing and summer stratification from varved Lake Mina, west-central Minnesota, USA. Holocene 19(4), 537-547.
St-Jacques J.-M., Sauchyn D.J., 2009. Increasing winter baseflow and mean annual streamflow from possible permafrost thawing in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Geophysical Research Letters 36(1), L01401.
St. Jacques J.-M., Cumming B.F., Smol J.P., 2008. A 900-year pollen-inferred temperature and effective moisture record from varved Lake Mina, west-central Minnesota, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews 27(7-8), 781-796.
St. Jacques J.-M., Cumming B.F., Smol J.P., 2008. A pre-European settlement pollen-climate calibration set for Minnesota, USA: Developing tools for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. Journal of Biogeography 35(2), 306-324.
St. Jacques J.-M., Cumming B.F., Smol J.P., 2008. A statistical method for varve verification using seasonal pollen deposition. Journal of Paleolimnology 40(2), 733-744.
St. Jacques J.-M., Douglas M.S.V., Price N., Drakulic N., Gubala C.P., 2005. The effect of fish introductions on the diatom and cladoceran communities of Lake Opeongo, Ontario, Canada. Hydrobiologia 549(1), 99-113.
St. Jacques J.-M., Douglas M.S.V., McAndrews J.H., 2000. Mid-holocene hemlock decline and diatom communities in van Nostrand Lake, Ontario, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 23(4), 385-397.
Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University
Codirection : Matthew Peros
Sujet de recherche : Reconstructing storm activity in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, during the Holocene
Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University
Codirection : Matthew Peros
Sujet de recherche : Flood recurrence inferred from oxbows lake sin southern Quebec, Canada
Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University
Codirection : Matthew Peros
Sujet de recherche : Beyond the Norse: Holocene climate and environmental change and human impacts at L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland